Just getting into metal, recommendations

You know... if not for the trolling... you'd be a decent poster. You prove it when you actually talk about music you like.

yea, but I can't stand idiots who dismiss entire genres based on the vocals. I did that with power metal and I was a big idiot, considering I've found several power metal bands I like.
Like I said, if someone has just discovered metal, they are going to have to gradually warm to heavier stuff. Not everyone hears Dying Fetus for the first time and thinks "How aurally satisfying". I still dismiss porn/goregrind due to lyrics/name etc. Singing about sucking bloody assholes of babies and fucking dead mothers with jackhammers is just stupid.
Like I said, if someone has just discovered metal, they are going to have to gradually warm to heavier stuff. Not everyone hears Dying Fetus for the first time and thinks "How aurally satisfying". I still dismiss porn/goregrind due to lyrics/name etc. Singing about sucking bloody assholes of babies and fucking dead mothers with jackhammers is just stupid.

I see your point, and this will be my last post in this thread.
You know... if not for the trolling and freaking out every time someone criticizes anything tangentially related to punk you would be one of those posters who once a month makes a mediocre but inoffensive post on some random topic

More like it.

The Metal Church rec is solid if the OP digs Metallica's older stuff. iirc he said he was more into the progressive side of Metallica, in which case he might not get too much out of it.
I still dismiss porn/goregrind due to lyrics/name etc. Singing about sucking bloody assholes of babies and fucking dead mothers with jackhammers is just stupid.

I could recommend a few less than disgusting goregrind bands that are really good. I actually had the same issue there at one point... but instead of giving up I dug through the crap (and overly gross stuff) and managed to find some good stuff.

Granted... calling what gore/porno grind vocalists are doing "singing" is a strech anyway...
I don't mind screaming as long as its not unintelligble. I think that lyrics are an important part of music and if I can't understand them...

in that case, which languages do you speak? (because much of the clean vocal stuff I'd recommend isn't in English).

check out Nightingale (prog. metal), 100% clean English vocals.
if I liked Metallica, and the only metal I knew of with screamed vocals was Trivium, I'd be asking for clean vocals, too.

...perhaps we should disregard his request as the mistake of ignorance.

If anyone's not seen all the Trivium mocks on youtube, they are quite amusing. Here is an example:

I kind of like Ascendancy, but Heafy is a terrible screamer.
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lol i havent seen that one of Rain before. The one for Pull Harder Strings Martyr is quite funny as well. I tried to find it on youtube just now but it must have been taken down or something. After listening to it those are the lyrics i hear everytime i hear the song.

What?! Hinder is metal?! That must have been a joke...

EDIT: To make it relevant I suppose I need to rec something
Just gonna throw these out here trying to keep in mind you want cleaner vocals, although I agree that you may not find much more in thrash you might like:
Crowbar - Sonic excess (far from thrash but who knows right?)
Dekapitator - Storm Before the Calm
Acid Bath - Paegan Terrorism Tactics (some distorted but I believe you will like Dax's clean work although lyrical content lets you know why they are called acid bath)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - A Virgin and A Whore
Paradise Lost - Icon
In Flames - Whoracle
Primordial - To the Nameless Dead
Sonata Artica - Ecliptica
Trouble - Manic Frustration
Mastodon - Crack the Skye
What?! Hinder is metal?! That must have been a joke...

EDIT: To make it relevant I suppose I need to rec something
Just gonna throw these out here trying to keep in mind you want cleaner vocals, although I agree that you may not find much more in thrash you might like:
Crowbar - Sonic excess (far from thrash but who knows right?)
Dekapitator - Storm Before the Calm
Acid Bath - Paegan Terrorism Tactics (some distorted but I believe you will like Dax's clean work although lyrical content lets you know why they are called acid bath)
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - A Virgin and A Whore
Paradise Lost - Icon
In Flames - Whoracle
Primordial - To the Nameless Dead
Sonata Artica - Ecliptica
Trouble - Manic Frustration
Mastodon - Crack the Skye

Primordial is an excellent rec.

Death Angel - Killing Season.
Try A New Dawn, Queensryche, Vanishing Point, Black Majesty, Nightwish, Masterplan, and if you're into the symphonic metal with female vocals - Within Temptation, Transentience.