Just got a new car


Jun 28, 2009
Lots of room for gear :)

What became of the poor Saab? :lol:

The money pit? I still have it. It's for sale if anyone is interested.

It gets 22MPG...which isn't bad. I'm making a road trip to Houston, Texas next week so even with ok gas mileage, the cost of gas is going to be fun.
if you're writing on this forum I don't think you got the money :p, it's not only the price of the car, you gotta add insurance, tyres change and you gotta run fast with that car really.
Seriously if you don't take it out for a ride at fast speed at least once a week the car will suffer that's what I've been told.
Of course that's italian so it means it's made the right way almost like a family run business, not like those chinese car that goes for 3000 euro lol (well there's some articles all over the web)