Just got back from Mayhem...


Aug 19, 2002
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heheeh Im fucked, walked straight outta bed (after 2 hours) and into school HAHA
Anyway it was a pretty good show, maniac sucks ass but the rest of the guys did a good job i reckon...

Enter Twilight were a bit gay, Conrived were REALLY good and Chalice has the HOTTEST singer/keyboardist Ive ever seen :p

I missed getting shit signed but a mate of mine jumped up on stage and shook HellHammers hand as he was setting up heheh...Also I was chatting to the chick who got the Pigs head HAHAH filthy pigs head:p

Worth my 36 bux i think :D Any other comments from other people there?
Originally posted by Lord Tim
We get to see first hand what it's gonna be like come Wednesday night here in Sydney... Should be interesting!

u shoulda played here in melb tim! instead of contrive
then i woulda gone
and you coulda played slave of love
Hahah Yer....Id heard of em, but never heard their music or anything about em :p

There was like 150 tickets left :p hahah apparently the instore only had about 100 people there too:p
Mayhem were unreal.
Maniac was awesome. ThyWyrM, what is your problem?
Chalice, Enter Twilight were great.
Contrive were ok.

The instore was quieter than I expected. They showed up like an hour late or something apparently becuase the were getting pissed at the sound check......But, I was stoked to get my Arcturus CD signed by Hellhammer who said there would in fact be another A album in a couple of years... :)

Does/will anyone have any photos of the Melbourne gig online?
I didn't have a camera :(
(I apologise to those less fortunate :p)
Maniac is a gay piece of shit heheh I will be getting fotos developed on monday, Ill post for ya's dunno if they came out tho:p
Are u actually from Melbourne or a surrounding area? :p
Good fun tho:D
Originally posted by ThyWyrM
Maniac is a gay piece of shit heheh I will be getting fotos developed on monday, Ill post for ya's dunno if they came out tho:p
Are u actually from Melbourne or a surrounding area? :p
Good fun tho:D

Cool, thanks.
Yeah, I live in Melbourne at the moment. Where are you from?

I am actually not a great fan of Mayhem or anything, but Maniac et al had an awesome stage presence and energy that totally blew away all of the other acts...irrespective of black metal, whatever. You have to admit that even if you think Maniac is a homosexual hehe.
:p ;)
Mayhem were incredible...more than I'd hoped for. The other bands ranged from great to pretty good, but Mayhem emphatically blew them away...

The instore was cool too, especially as there were so few people there.

And if I ever see that 'Maniac is gay' guy, I'm going to Varg his arse!!!!

Maniac was incredible. He was so into it. They're a very professional band on stage.
hehe Dont kill me man, It was a wicked show, I just dont like Maniacs vox much :p

THe pics r up at users.ncable.net.au/~moap/mayhem for anyone who wants to see em:D

Im wearing the opeth top :D anyone else in tehre?
Originally posted by ThyWyrM
hehe Dont kill me man, It was a wicked show, I just dont like Maniacs vox much :p

Did you like them live? My housemate doesn't really like Maniac's vocals on c.d but I think he thought they were quite good live. Personally I can't get enough of them.

The instore was an amazing experience. Maniac's arms are covered in scars from crazy live shows.... Are/were there instores in other cities?