Just got hold of the old Swano site saved...

ok, i reuploaded swano.com, markus's interview and unicorn artwork and photos. i also added martohell and live in belgium nightingale videos.

Thanks a lot!! Those Nightingale songs at Barcelona are awesome!!:hotjump:
It's quite insightful (and fun) to explore the songs from the FTP server. Thanks again for uploading and hosting this, Antzor!

I found out though that four songs are missing that were on the old swano.com website. Since I have two of them from another source I wanted to upload them, but it is no longer possible to log in. Could you have a look, please?
Edge of Sanity - The Spectral Sorrows (Preproduction) - Living Hell
Unicorn - A Collection Of Worlds 2 Demo 1990 - Outro
Morbid Tales - Violence and Blood
Icarus - Love Has Gone

I have the first two songs and could upload them, and also three of the four songs of the Immortal Rehearsal demos. It would be great if someone could upload the remaining two songs.
Edge of Sanity - The Spectral Sorrows (Preproduction) - Living Hell
Unicorn - A Collection Of Worlds 2 Demo 1990 - Outro
Morbid Tales - Violence and Blood
Icarus - Love Has Gone

I have the first two songs and could upload them, and also three of the four songs of the Immortal Rehearsal demos. It would be great if someone could upload the remaining two songs.

Would be great if you could upload the ones that you have!
I would upload them if I could, but as I said it's no longer possible to log in.

Hey Danimal, if you're reading this, could you please have a look at the FTP server? And thanks a lot for hosting it!
it's a shame the site got "uncreated" in the first place...there were pretty good stuff on there.
I had it downloaded a few years ago on my dad's computer. then burned it and now i don't rememer where it is.
I have about 15 gigs of random stuff in a folder called "Swano shit" on one of my externals. I got most of it from the FTP and from various torrent and I think it all compiles most of the old rare stuff that people are trying to get a hold of. No doubt it's full of repeats though. I'd be happy to share with anyone, but I have no idea how to go about doing that.
Hi Beeson, this sounds fantastic, it would be great if you could share that. I think it would make sense though to eliminate the duplicates before, and also to make sure that you don't upload illegal stuff! I've written to Danimal and asked him to have a look at the FTP server.
I'll try to comb through my terabytes of data to come up with all the swano relevant stuff and maybe organize it to get rid of the duplicates. I don't know how the FTP works, so any instruction on that would be appreciated too.
Well, at the moment, the FTP doesn't work at all. I hope Danimal reacts on my message. If he doesn't, there are still other ways to share the files, e.g. rapidshare.
Well, I just spent about an hour digging through all my old files and came up with about 2.5 gigs worth of rare swano pictures and songs mostly. Considering the strange places I found all this junk, I probably gathered it over a period of many years. I feel like I'm missing pretty much everything off the FTP though (White Darkness making of videos for example). I think I downloaded all that stuff a few years ago, but now it's nowhere to be found. If we were to merge everything I just found and everything on the FTP, i would venture to say that's pretty much everything.

Anyways, it's all zipped up and ready to go, but I don't have a premium Megaupload or Rapidshare account to host this stuff. So I'm open to ideas on what I should do with it all if anyone is still interested.

EDIT(5 minutes later): So I just found the old Swano website and all the FTP stuff on one of my OTHER external hard drives. I'll add it to the collection. Once this stuff has been uploaded, I'll leave it to the community to determine what's there and what's still missing.

EDIT(another 5 minutes later): It's about 5 GB now with everything I just found. There's a few gigs more of possible duplicates that I took out of it, so if anyone sees anything blatantly missing, I probably have it in with the duplicates that I chose not to include in this collection. As far as I know and remember, this is everything I have ever been able to find on the great wide internet.
Well, I just spent about an hour digging through all my old files and came up with about 2.5 gigs worth of rare swano pictures and songs mostly. Considering the strange places I found all this junk, I probably gathered it over a period of many years. I feel like I'm missing pretty much everything off the FTP though (White Darkness making of videos for example). I think I downloaded all that stuff a few years ago, but now it's nowhere to be found. If we were to merge everything I just found and everything on the FTP, i would venture to say that's pretty much everything.

Anyways, it's all zipped up and ready to go, but I don't have a premium Megaupload or Rapidshare account to host this stuff. So I'm open to ideas on what I should do with it all if anyone is still interested.

EDIT(5 minutes later): So I just found the old Swano website and all the FTP stuff on one of my OTHER external hard drives. I'll add it to the collection. Once this stuff has been uploaded, I'll leave it to the community to determine what's there and what's still missing.

EDIT(another 5 minutes later): It's about 5 GB now with everything I just found. There's a few gigs more of possible duplicates that I took out of it, so if anyone sees anything blatantly missing, I probably have it in with the duplicates that I chose not to include in this collection. As far as I know and remember, this is everything I have ever been able to find on the great wide internet.

try http://www.megashares.com/

upto 10GB files without a need for a premium account (and no expiry if you create a free account).