Just got laid

I had a buddy years ago (no, not me) who was railing this chick and she decided to surprise him ... without warning she rammed her finger in his ass ... he told me he was so surprised and shocked he head-butted her :D
Second, FWIW, random hookups are pretty meaningless and unsatisfying to me - relationship sex is just so much better IMO, you just gotta both be really open about your wants and desires to keep things interesting, but man does it pay off. I guess what I'm saying is, my suggestion is don't sweat the dry spells, just use the time to make sure you're ready when the right one comes along! (in other words, get your google on - oh, and this, take it from me, it's intensely satisfying, and she'll be very grateful :D)

While I joke about the meaningless sex, yeah, it would be pretty unsatisfying. However when you have had a dry spell for many years, having a close friend as a "fuck buddy" starts sounding real good.
While I joke about the meaningless sex, yeah, it would be pretty unsatisfying. However when you have had a dry spell for many years, having a close friend as a "fuck buddy" starts sounding real good.

The closest fuck buddy any of you men should have would most likely help type a witty comeback to this post.
I agree for the most part, but like I said, in these parts of the state, women go after men for the material possessions they know they will get. This is why you can't just find random hookups around here as easily, they don't just give it out, they want something from it, and even long term relationships are just a more stable way of living a materialistic lifestyle.

The ones that actually care about personality, are taken because they are pretty rare. Then again something about my personality makes them see me as the friend. I always get the, "Yeah I don't understand why girls don't get you, you are so funny blah blah blah..." when I am playing the flirt/bust their balls comedy, but as soon as I make mention (after I have failed of course) as to why they haven't been mutual with the flirtation and why they don't have an attraction to me like they say other women should, they either get silent or say something like they just aren't feeling it or they see me as a brother, but in most cases they are actually after my best friend and just don't want to tell me.

1st bit - you're never going to get laid with that attitude.

2nd bit - the something about your personality is that 1. you care too much, 2. you try too hard to impress them, or 3. you're too nice - it's probably a combination of all three.

Who gets laid regularly? Douchebag guys who don't give a shit about girls, and they generally don't try very hard at all to get it. I know, I know - it sounds, feels, and more or less is shallow/degrading/degenerate, but you just have to pretend to care a lot less and not be so overtly nice.
Drunk sex is better because I actually last longer than a New York minute.

My girl wont even fuck me when im drunk anymore because i go wayyyy to long.

And also totally agree with your last post, ignore the chick, she'll want you. Give her the world and she'll take it without giving anything in return.
Drunk sex is better because I actually last longer than a New York minute.

i've always went longer after drinking...but learned the other day that i hold down true porn star status after taking some opiates

i got some 7.5mg loritabs from the dentist, took 2, and took it to the wife a little while later...took me over an hour to get off. woman was flat-out begging me to nut so that i'd stop beating her up, lol.