Just got laid

Listen to the Wintersnow. Sacramento is shit. Everyone knows everyone and everyone bones everyone. All the cool girls are either married, taken by a cool guy/douche or burnt out with a kid or two. I wouldn't be surprised if we knew the same people actually

This last month. I had a girl that was living with me-that I provided food and rent and all that shit for. We boned and did everything that a couple would do- and out of nowhere I mentioned offhandedly something about is dating and she got all weird and said we weren't. Owned. I told her to pack her shit and get the fuck out. She's now "dating" the new guy she's living with. Pretty funny considering she was the one who made the huge deal about us being together until she was living with me. I'm not all bent out of shape about it because it's become the norm- but it does wear you down a little when it comes to meeting new people. More of a spite thing for me. Ever since I split with my whole highschool sweetheart thing, it's been nothing but bitches. And like I said, everyone knows each other here so you can't catch a break without running into some kind of drama. I wouldn't even say it's the not getting laid thing, it's being pissed off at how fucking retarded everyone is in your area... Shitty taste in music, style, ambitions, standards...

Personally, I'm not that kind of person seek out the one nights stands. Have before and it's not satisfying. All the ladies here suck. I want to bone someone cool and continue to do so.

Sorry for letting this turn into a sob story about shitty relationship fails- take that all as a "+1" for TWS

Congrats on the laying-of-pipe sir

You summed it up perfectly. Seems like an orgyfest of friends and the choice of who is in and who isn't makes no logical sense, among other things around here, like you said, including the local music scene/everyone general taste in music. As big as this city is, its amazing that it still feels so damn small with the, everyone knows everyone. One click will overlap into another and before you know it, you just may know someone that you have never met. That chick that you where with sounds like my Uncles current girl, she would be (and still are) dating and for the longest time she would refuse to knowledge that they where dating and then tried breaking shit off after she realized things where getting serious, which seems way too common around here.

You also made very good mention that all the decent girls are either married, taken by the "cool guy"/douche or have kids and/or are burnt out.

And when the fuck did this turn into a feel sorry for me and tell me I should fuck hookers thread? I need no sympathy, its not the fact of getting laid, more a frustration of being single, which while sucks is not the end of the world although it does make me quite bitter.

I don't really have much of a confidence issue, yeah I may know in the back of my head that I am not the greatest looking guy so therefore in public I am not going to get as many looks and it becomes a little harder to reel them in, but if I don't feel anything while being in a conversation that a girl is involved in, I will treat them like they are any other guy, and if they aren't talking tend to not pay attention to them and keep my attention to whoever has the floor. That was actually how I met my ex who was a 10. First time I saw her I thought oh, out of my league...*shrug* and went on talking to other people she knew throughout the day, and eventually she got tired of me not noticing her and decided to make a move.

The Not giving a shit attitude works only if whatever else you are doing sparks the girls attention, and when I do get their attention, I throw in the humor and ball busting and once I have that I know how to take it from there as after that point, its alway been successful, its just been a long time that my don't give a shit attitude hasn't caught any attention in a while as it seems no matter where I am at because all of the girls have already given their attention to some other dude, so I am like, ok outta here, next and I move on. Its just doing something or saying something mutual that gets their attention that is pretty hard. I have a weird personality that is like nails on a chalkboard to most women, to run into a girl that not only is NOT annoyed by me, but is rooting me on because they have a near identical personality to me is fucking rare, its just a matter of getting out in public more in more social events.
And yes you can hook up with random people on craigslist and adultfriendfinder. I have railed several chicks this way, based off my physical looks (see working out advice). A couple of the chicks were actually super hot. This might not be the best place for you to look though if you are shy, because I railed these ladies while their husbands filmed it and or fucked their wives mouths. Group sex requires a true lack of inhibition (and morals:tickled:)

But I am getting off topic, there are chicks that will fuck you Wintersun and it is your job in life to rail them. Just don't knock them up.

gat damn ppl

get into the gym or do something else that makes you feel good about yourself. You probably dress like these fat dorks I see at metal shows. Stop doing that. Get some clothes that fit for fucks sake. And wash your face. And shave too, because you already look unkempt enough. :loco:
Going to the gym does nothing it literally is just the confidence that comes with it, being in good shape is a surefire way to get hit on by guys though :lol:
Who said anything about confidence issues? Like owen said, the gym isn't really going to do much and yes dressing nice can help, it all comes down to attitude.

Great thread though, haven't read this one in a while. Why is it that it was Jason that brought up banging fat hookers?
gat damn ppl

get into the gym or do something else that makes you feel good about yourself. You probably dress like these fat dorks I see at metal shows. Stop doing that. Get some clothes that fit for fucks sake. And wash your face. And shave too, because you already look unkempt enough. :loco:

i'd rather fap my whole life than going into the gym!
matter of principles!

lol this thread

I probably get laid less than anyone here. I hate that the girls who flirt with me are 16 years old...
I got you beat, unfortunately. 6 years buddy. 6 looooong fucking years...
