Question: What's the point of getting such an expensive console?
Mojo. Plec gets Mojo
To the individual... and to the businessIf you're not already making that kind of money (or close) it's totally not worth the investment, no piece of gear will turn your business into a success.
I think it's the 948 that has stereo channels.Isn't Andys the regular 900+ SE? Because yours is the 924 which means every channel is stereonice! Congrats on the purchase!
I'm doing the big 30 later this year, so this is my gift to myself basically. Or it's just one of those 30 year crisis, haven't quite decided yet.Ok well you got yourself a damn sweet console. Seems to be the ultimate hybrid between analogue and ITBYou don't seem to be that old, if you dont mind me asking.. how old are you man?
Thx man!About time man, I'm glad it's finally getting installed. That's a lot of money for a workflow improvement! I'm glad those Swedish pop TV show contest winners are treating you well enough to be able to do that
The patchbay wiring should keep your assistant busy!
It's a canadian band called "Borealis" that I mastered late last year. Their album release is sometime in April now I think. Check them out, they're really great!Congrats Plec!!
Who's the band in the audio of the vid?
Ah, yes you are correct there, sir. Although it's only the 948 that has stereo channels. On the input side of things the 900+SE and 924 are identical.Isn't Andys the regular 900+ SE? Because yours is the 924 which means every channel is stereonice! Congrats on the purchase!
Question: What's the point of getting such an expensive console?
Pretty much what Jarkko said. Anyone can do with a computer and mouse these days but having a console to work with is more like actually playing an instrument. You're mixing more effectively rather than clicking around in sub-menus all the time. The SSL is special compared to a lot of other consoles since you do have 24 analog channels plus a very sophisticated control surface for your DAW. You can pretty much run any session with just the console and a wireless mouse.Sonic qualities, workflow improvements, the bands get a hard-on when they see one. Just like any other piece of gear. Whether or not it's worth the price tag and maintenance is completely up to the individual.
I don't believe there are many new options, if any. They removed the double VU meter look for the busses and added a phase meter just like on the Duality plus they redid the channel scribble fields. They haven't changed anything regarding inputs or anything regarding function I believe so it's mostly a cosmetic update.+1 (@ Brett)
This isn't the stereo channel which is the AWS 948, but this is the same new board apart that.
So what are the new things on this compared to an old AWS900 or +SE?
Does someone from ssl is going to help you learn the console?
I don't know. I would never get such an expensive console.
It might take your Cube 15 + unknown mic reamping service to a new level, though![]()
Thx again mate!Ahh Borealis, nice to finally hear the finished product there. I was oriignally meant to mix - hence how the guys got the suggestion to use you for mastering! I'm glad that all worked out.
Anyway I can't wait to hear what you put out with this desk... and how you respond to me flooding you with stems![]()