Just like this band so much

rahvin said:
thanks to you for that: as you might have noticed, kindergarten threads are going to be pretty redundant around here. :rolleyes:

...i dread having to leave the computer for about 15'...

rest assured, i will not begin or participate in another kindergarten thread..well i promise to try. :)
eddieslittlegirl said:
this may seem silly but remember i haven't been here in awhile...where is In Flames board?
removed by request of the band about a couple of years ago or a little less. apparently, an outburst of very young former fans started being very critical and the band or the administrator didn't like it, to the point of taking the whole board down.
my opinion back then was, and still is, that it was not fair of them to act this way. they seemed unable to take jokes, and i find this quite lame.
well thanks for playing today. and once i figure out how to post my pic of me and Michael i'll let you know. cause i know you are just dying to see it.

have a lovely evening and play nice. well as nice as one can. ;-)
eddieslittlegirl said:
well thanks for playing today. and once i figure out how to post my pic of me and Michael i'll let you know. cause i know you are just dying to see it.
we are, we are. :)

have a lovely evening and play nice. well as nice as one can. ;-)
thanks for sticking around even though the first impression wasn't teh bestest. :p