Just like this band so much

eddieslittlegirl: Don't take offense to any apparent flaming/ridiculing that you saw. Many of us are quite happy to see new people come and join us. And given the nature of the 'discussions' and subjects of a lot of threads around here, this one is hardly intolerable (even if it may be a little redundant to old fans/members)
I hope you don't get scared and stick around ..we aren't that crazy

Besides.. it's good to hear of someone appreciating good music. And you know what is written in the scriptures.. For every metal fan that emerges god gives the world a puppy : D
Dark_Jester said:
None of us are crazy, but I did just leave the Spoons of Moredania locked behind Gate of Eternity number three...oh Morlock the Invitational will not be pleased...
*rotfl* :lol:
stop it! how can i cast scourging anathemas against your spam if you keep on making it so funny?
do we need a fantasy roleplay thread?
@ben: think it through and then pm me about it first... i wouldn't want it to turn into yet another spam thread, more something where people who want can participate with some sensible (?) yet fun roleplaying.
rahvin said:
what if we don't like opeth? :p

how's eddieslittlegirl doing, btw? and who is eddieslittlegirl, anyway? who's eddie, for that matter? iron maiden's cheesy puppet? ;)
Have your head checked? Just kidding. Hopefully no one will get jacked up about that comment. :p

And you are correct my screen name EddiesLittleGirl is for Iron Maiden. One of my favorite bands. They were the first heavy metal, for that time, I ever listened to. So the name is dedicated to an oldschool band :)
eddieslittlegirl said:
Have your head checked? Just kidding. Hopefully no one will get jacked up about that comment. :p
no one at all, rest assured
*secretly bans eddieslittlegirl from um forever* :p

And you are correct my screen name EddiesLittleGirl is for Iron Maiden. One of my favorite bands. They were the first heavy metal, for that time, I ever listened to. So the name is dedicated to an oldschool band :)
first band for me too, and still in my top ten. too bad they're one of the very few metal bands still ranking high in my personal list of priorities, but at least they're standing strong with their new record. :)

you can tell us something more about you (if you want). link to the thread for frightened little n00bs is in my ever-precious rules thread that nobody reads anyway. :tickled:
<------ not a fan of Opeth.
<-- Definetly not a fan of Opeth... gee, who would have guess...
I will crush their balls if they come near me grrrr grrr *takes medicine*
aaaah, sweet pink colors... Scotty, space me out...