Just played the worst gig in the world

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
EVERYTHING that can go wrong, went wrong.
Band before us delayed the show so much that we had to start after the last train from the venue left, we had THE WORST sound I've experienced on any gig EVER (both as performer and fan), vocals etc were pretty much inaudible through the foh, there was a 300ms latency on the monitors (try to play in time with such a latency on your ears!), the drummer fucked up every single song BIG TIME (I also had the click and backings on my in ears and could tell from the first bar that he didn't even get the count in right, so I had to communicate to the foh guy to mute the backing (cause it was off obviously), and try to get the band to understand where our drummer is in the song....while we were playing.
Then the fucking skin of the kick drum broke!!!!! Another 15mins delay trying to find a new kick drum.

Fucking nightmare....and it was supposed to be our best gig, cause it was rather local and all the envious haters were there as well....


rant over
that sucks to hear, we had a few gigs and thought they gonna suck as soon as we arrived.

why in the fucking hell did you get such a latency from the pa?
Had a show there the pa sucked really hard, so we just said fuck you to the foh, turned, muted
everything besides the vocals, played a bit quieter, used our own amps and it helped the sound
alot :D
sometimes shit just happen. Like the first show I played with my new band last year in may. Man what a fucked show, after one song I was about to just go away because it was so bad
I have no idea man, operation error I think, it was a digital desk, but it should only have 2.5ms latency...I'd estimate it was something between 250 and 400....IMPOSSIBLE when you're using in ears, got the guitarsound directly (I'm using a palmer pdi09 live) and then mixed with the rest being like 300ms out of time...works for slow chorusses etc, but impossible when you're supposed to play fast off beats at 216bpm....
but the sound was so extremely bad that noone could hear anything anyways :/
heads up, though this seems like the extraordinary kind of terrible when everything fails this horribly and the haters got fed...

keep your heads up high, persist, maybe learn something, and rant as long as it makes you feel better,

although the "nobody could hear anything" part seemed like the standard at amateur-level to me atleast, i played most gigs "blind" just hearing snare and some faint cymbal-hits, but when the board-feed for the in-ear is so off there is no chance to salvage anything (hell even 15ms make me go crazy when playing guitar).
heads up, though this seems like the extraordinary kind of terrible when everything fails this horribly and the haters got fed...

keep your heads up high, persist, maybe learn something, and rant as long as it makes you feel better,

although the "nobody could hear anything" part seemed like the standard at amateur-level to me atleast, i played most gigs "blind" just hearing snare and some faint cymbal-hits, but when the board-feed for the in-ear is so off there is no chance to salvage anything (hell even 15ms make me go crazy when playing guitar).

yeah, I can deal with a bad monitorsound, I mean...that's standard, but this was just beyond horrible.
Maybe some local hater....

did that latency stuff on purpose?

Maybe some local hater....

did that latency stuff on purpose?


HAHA :lol:

sorry to hear that Lasse, sometimes shit just doesn't want to work out.
Somestimes it's funny how little one can tell about the quality of the gig, because you didn't hear a single thing on stage^^
the hamster thing was so funny haha.
But it really sucks to hear that man.. i have my share of stories as well. but fuck that: latency as big as that is really not something i expected when i read the thread title. But in that case i guess you were "lucky" the sound sucked. Cause then the haters wouldve loved to rant about how bad the musicians in you band are (that's how they wouldve translated the result of latency i mean)!

Anyway next time youll just make up for what they did im sure!
This is why I still like analog consoles more... Unless you insert a fucking delay unit to the aux, you can't fuck up like that. If it was a human error, that's understandable, but if someone did that latency on purpose, they deserve a swift kick in the nuts. That's just unprofessional and not cool.

Also couldn't you just have turned off the in-ear monitors from the beltback, or were you totally silent with the rig, no cabinet or anything? You could've just listen to the drummer and try to keep up.

the hamster thing was so funny haha.

It's a prairie dog; not a chipmunk, hamster or ground hog :)
Sorry to hear that :/ Btw, what did the people in the audience say? Did they even feel like it was that bad?
With my band we have yet to have a really horrible gig, but after the last everyone was like "dude I fucked up three times badly, did you hear it" and allthough we noticed a few of each others fuckups, noone in the audience could tell - not even friends who knew the songs and saw our last performance etc. :lol:
My guess would be 90% of the audience probably didn't even notice (well except for the bassdrum thingy).

And yeah I hate bad monitor sounds.. good thing I can just crank up the 5150 and have my direct monitoring right there :D
what i just noticed now... the band before you playing until after the last train might has been a blessing in disguise...
Sorry that sounds crappy man. Playing a lame gig is like when your team gets destroyed playing ball. Your not going to feel right again until you play another gig and kick ass.
When the skin broke the crowd didn't even know why we were having a 15 mins break, our singer was talking to them and explained, but later it turned out that not a single word could be understood through the FOH, it was just muffled noises, ...and our singer usually speaks very clearly and articulated.
And just ditching the in ears was not an option unfortunately, cause I had to keep the whole thing together when the drummer counted in too early or too late, so I had to hear the click and backing etc to make sure to pull the plug out of the DI box (backing) etc