Just purchased my very first November's Doom


From the vastly deep
Jun 17, 2002
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I went on Dark Symphonies.com and ordered "To Welcome The Fade"! I'm so excited to get it..I've been wearing the MP3.com songs out! I kept going to The End to try to order it, but they don't have it. I finally posted on The End's post board asking why they didn't have it and someone suggested the DS website. They have great prices and free shipping just like The End...hope they ship as fast:)

Just wanted to share my joy:D
Originally posted by MindInsane
I went on Dark Symphonies.com and ordered "To Welcome The Fade"! I'm so excited to get it..I've been wearing the MP3.com songs out! I kept going to The End to try to order it, but they don't have it. I finally posted on The End's post board asking why they didn't have it and someone suggested the DS website. They have great prices and free shipping just like The End...hope they ship as fast:)

Just wanted to share my joy:D

DS is very fast! At least they usually are, i dont know who swamped they are with the Holiday season so close, but hopefully in a couple of days! Thanks for the purchase!
Ok it's KILLER!! I like Track 3 the best (it's in my car so I don't know the names of the songs....YET!)

Thanks guys for writing some interesting and talented music from the states! Who says there's no good music coming out of the states these days? Now I'm just waiting for the new Testament! More great music from the good ol' USofA :headbang:
Originally posted by terrymx
you made a bad choice

Who asked you for your shitty opinion? If ya don't like November's Doom...why the hell don't you go post on a band's forum that you do like? It ain't brain surgery---jerk!
opps well i forgot there's paul himself. i tend to be negative and conservative about everything. i think your last 2 releases are better than this one. well this is more experimental in my opinion.

dark symphonies are fast though, i order the knowing and it came 3 day later in first class mail without tax or shipping cost.