Just something about Metallica...


Unbanned Once
Apr 23, 2006
My bed
heya dudes,

i don't know really but i think that like all the earlier work of James Hetfield and his cr3w is like totally tr00 and good stuff, but i couldn't help noticing that lots of people around this forum listen lots to metallica...so i just had to tell you guys that i think Metallica have become such a huge posers, especially with their newest album wich totally sucked donkey balls imo...And i can't stand the fact that they're being such a sell out bitches by going to all the commercial festivals and shit like that...don't know about you but those guys lost lots of my respect
so whats wrong with the other half...i mean look at all the guys who show their playlists, top one is almost all the time metallica
Nick Brookes said:
(insert insult to metallica here)
(insert insult to FanBoys here)
(insert insult to Download Festival here)

feel free to do it for me :p

ah cmon poor fanboys...they actually quite funny hehe!

btw you forgot the insult for them emo kids
i've got semi long hair yes...but what does it matter, i don't represent all those metal fans around the world!!!!!!11 Hetfield once did and he's setting one bad example...Saint Anger...mah fuck off

i don't hate metallica i just hate their latest work, i feel the want to be too much nu-metal, they're trying hard but the just don't get there. As far as i'm concerned i'd say go back to the older days were they played good music..