another one comes along and tops it.
Zirkle Jerk
Tony Zirkle, who’s challenging Chris “Count” Chocola, in the Republican primary for the 2nd District of Indiana, is obsessed with pornography. So much so that he bought a copy of the first issue of Playboy on eBay and then proceeded to shred it. That’s Tony in the picture on the right, holding the magazine quite daintily so that none of its porno-cooties will rub off on him.
The worst thing about pornography, according to Zirkle, is that it makes men gay.* No, you read that right. Nudie girlie pictures are what make guys gay. It does that because pornography, according to Zirkle, keeps men from having real relationship with women. I’m surprised that Zirkle hasn’t proposed that gay pornography be freely available because it keeps gay men from having real relationships with other men and, thus, makes them straight. I guess he hasn’t quite thought that one through yet.
Similar gems can be found on Tony’s website which proves, yet again, that the funniest Republican humor is completely unintentional. I commend Tony’s site when you need a giggle. There’s way too much material there for me to give it a full treatment, but here's a favorite gem:
"Shall we in the American West allow the First Amendment to be perverted into a systematic blood-letting suicide pact by giving a pass to the apostate, overly per capita dominated Jewish porn-prostitution business and the typically Christian harlot “actors” who are transforming our children into a mass of self-abusing voyeurs with a STD rate of 50% by the age of 25 on our route to the #1 contender for repeating, on the literal level of interpretation, what the apocalyptic “Babylon” did in “ma[king] all nations drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication” (”porn” in Greek). Rev. 14:8. KJV."
Zirkle Jerk

Tony Zirkle, who’s challenging Chris “Count” Chocola, in the Republican primary for the 2nd District of Indiana, is obsessed with pornography. So much so that he bought a copy of the first issue of Playboy on eBay and then proceeded to shred it. That’s Tony in the picture on the right, holding the magazine quite daintily so that none of its porno-cooties will rub off on him.
The worst thing about pornography, according to Zirkle, is that it makes men gay.* No, you read that right. Nudie girlie pictures are what make guys gay. It does that because pornography, according to Zirkle, keeps men from having real relationship with women. I’m surprised that Zirkle hasn’t proposed that gay pornography be freely available because it keeps gay men from having real relationships with other men and, thus, makes them straight. I guess he hasn’t quite thought that one through yet.
Similar gems can be found on Tony’s website which proves, yet again, that the funniest Republican humor is completely unintentional. I commend Tony’s site when you need a giggle. There’s way too much material there for me to give it a full treatment, but here's a favorite gem:
"Shall we in the American West allow the First Amendment to be perverted into a systematic blood-letting suicide pact by giving a pass to the apostate, overly per capita dominated Jewish porn-prostitution business and the typically Christian harlot “actors” who are transforming our children into a mass of self-abusing voyeurs with a STD rate of 50% by the age of 25 on our route to the #1 contender for repeating, on the literal level of interpretation, what the apocalyptic “Babylon” did in “ma[king] all nations drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication” (”porn” in Greek). Rev. 14:8. KJV."