Just wondering...

The Subjugator

Jul 5, 2005
Where do you guys find the time to listen to all this music? Does it ever get boring for you, how do you find out about all these bands you know, etc etc...

because there is only so much music I can listen to in a day before I get sick of it, but people here seem to listen to it all the time. How do you manage to do this?
I can't listen to it all the time, but I spend most of my time at home doing homework and I usually have my Ipod going in the background. I let my subconcious mind judge the music because I always notice is there is a riff or a song I like and I pay attention to it.

Where do I find out about all the music I like? Sometimes from this board, when someone who isn't a fucking idiot posts. I like using metalreviews.com and rateyourmusic.com as well.

There are days when music gets boring, so i just don't listen to it for a while. It always comes back.
It's all about connections...

And downloading it illegally. If I didn't have programs and people to download from, I would never know half the music I do.

I don't listen to music all day... but I do whenever I have free time, as well as when I'm painting. And lately I've been painting about 7 hours a day... Or more.
I listen to music pretty much every waking moment of the day really, apart from when I'm doing stuff that can't be combined with music like watching TV. Ofcourse that means that I don't always 'listen' to music but just have it playing in the background while I do other stuff. But I try to take atleast one hour a day to 'listen' to music.

As for finding new stuff, I just keep a "to check out.txt" file on my HD that I constantly add stuff to whenever I see people mention something that seems like it could be interesting. I have no real criteria for what gets added to the list. Sometimes it can be as silly as thinking the cover of a CD looks cool or the band has a wacky name. Then when I'm in the mood for listening to something new I open up DC and my to-check-out list and just pick something and see if I can find it. If I end up liking it it will go onto my "to buy" list and I'll eventually buy it when I get the chance.

As for getting boring, no. I have a huge music collection and I try to keep it as varied as possible. Only about 40-50% of my music collection is metal. The rest is all other genres. Sometimes I'll grow tired of a certain type of music and just avoid it for a while but I've never permanently lost interest in any of the genres that I listen to. It just depends on my mood mostly.
at my job, I'm at a computer 100% of the time, so I have headphones on and I'm listening to music the whole time I'm here...I've found a lot of good bands using myspace actually...Most bands are on there, there are few bands that I've tried finding that didn't have one...so that's a good place, and review sites like the ones listed above are very useful...
Yeah, mine is about 60% metal. The rest includes Prog, Post-Rock, Ambient, Classical, and Comedic stuff.

Sometimes you just want to hear George Carlin.
I usually listen to music as I play on the computer, do homework, when I walk to school, and when I go to sleep. I just play my big Death Metal Playlist that I funnel all my good metal into, so I am rarely bored.

As for finding new bands, at first I used iTunes because surprissingly they have a Death Metal essentials playlist. Now what often happens is I'll see a band here or on a different website that will catch my eye (in the way CAIRATH described) and I will begin checking them out. If I like them I will buy a CD.

As lame as it sounds myspace is also a good resource for finding bands, especially underground ones. Plus you get to listen to whole songs instead of just clips.
The Subjugator said:
Where do you guys find the time to listen to all this music? Does it ever get boring for you, how do you find out about all these bands you know, etc etc...

because there is only so much music I can listen to in a day before I get sick of it, but people here seem to listen to it all the time. How do you manage to do this?
look music and drinking are paddys life and yes venom are the new MOTORHEAD and remeber dude at night it gets dark:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Susperia said:
It's all about connections...

And downloading it illegally. If I didn't have programs and people to download from, I would never know half the music I do.

I don't listen to music all day... but I do whenever I have free time, as well as when I'm painting. And lately I've been painting about 7 hours a day... Or more.
paddy is painting as well him just painted the hall in his six bedroom house in west chelsea my love:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Babykabob said:
George Carlin is the greatest

Yes. He is. It goes:

1. Carlin
2. Monty Python
3. Family Guy

I just saw "George Carlin Again" on HBO the other night for the first time. It was hilarious, I haven't really seen all his 70's and 80's stuff but his description of the perfect crime was fucking great.
GarinStone said:
Yes. He is. It goes:

1. Carlin
2. Monty Python
3. Family Guy

I just saw "George Carlin Again" on HBO the other night for the first time. It was hilarious, I haven't really seen all his 70's and 80's stuff but his description of the perfect crime was fucking great.
depending on my mood I might switch Family guy to #2...his older stuff is really hillarious, I like his newer stuff also, a lot actually, except that intro he's been doing lately, it lasts like ten minutes, where he's like" im a high-tech lowlife,can download a gigabyte in a nanosecond, etc", that's kinda lame in my opinion, but everything else is gravy
Babykabob said:
depending on my mood I might switch Family guy to #2...his older stuff is really hillarious, I like his newer stuff also, a lot actually, except that intro he's been doing lately, it lasts like ten minutes, where he's like" im a high-tech lowlife,can download a gigabyte in a nanosecond, etc", that's kinda lame in my opinion, but everything else is gravy
who are they my man
Babykabob said:
depending on my mood I might switch Family guy to #2...his older stuff is really hillarious, I like his newer stuff also, a lot actually, except that intro he's been doing lately, it lasts like ten minutes, where he's like" im a high-tech lowlife,can download a gigabyte in a nanosecond, etc", that's kinda lame in my opinion, but everything else is gravy

Yes the intro from Life is Worth Losing is what you're talking about, thats stupid.

Season two of Monty Python is just too good. The Spanish Inquisition, the Ministry of Funny Walks, its all just great.

Paddy - Its just a really old angry comedian. Hes great.
I pretty much constantly crave music to the point of feeling frustrated when I'm not listening to it, which is sort of annoying 'cause I end up overplaying shit that I'd probably appreciate more by listening to it sparsely.
Music is just what I do. I don't really like movies, or television series, or anything else. I listen to and review music, as well as make noise in my bedroom studio with metal, microphones, and guitar pedals. :)

Seriously though, whenever I'm on the comp I have my Winamp playlist (everything I have) open and on shuffle. When I want to listen to a CD I'll pop in one of the ~130 I legally own in CD form or perhaps a cassette or vinyl to listen to.
With a dial-up connection, mp3's are pretty much out of the question, so I go about finding music the old fashioned way - I physically look for it. I spend a lot of time on my days off browsing record shops. As for recommendations, I get a lot off the internet and any publications I read. My time for listening to music is late at night when the wife and son are in bed, so I never really listen to enough to burn me out. I get bored with trends in music - which happen in the mainstream (nu-metal and metalcore) or underground (black metal and power metal) - but I never get bored with music in general, because I listen to all types, though metal is what I listen to 70 - 80% of the time.
Now this has made me think... is anyone old-school enough to be interested in some tape/CDR trading? PM me your snail mail info if so!:headbang: