KALISIA new sample online

Yum yum. Sounds excellent. Dark Tranquility an influence of yours? I'm itching for a little more guitar though, but who am I to criticize?
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Lol, yeah I wish... Only I'm one meter smaller than he his and so is my dick, lol ;) I love his voice very much though and wish I could sing like him !

Man, my wife has met the band and she has a picture of herself sitting on Peter's lap and guess where the picture is, that's right direct above my guitars. So every time I go to play something I have to look at that picture. You can only imagine the kinds of inferiority complexes I have! :erk: :cry:
Monsieur Francais. I want to check this out, but everytime I try to playit back it just stutters/cuts out. Can you bust a link for direct MP3 gank, please?
Mmmm, Dark Tranquillity is a band we love but I wouldn't say they are a "big" influence of ours. We have so many anyway...

I think I've managed to solve the mp3 playback problem, let me know if you still have issues with it.

More criticisms still welcome :)
hey Brett -

I think it sounds really good...there are sections where the keyboards totally take over from the guitars....a little too much. Although, I guess that's the battle in this song.

I would have to agree on the overheads. they are way too low in the mix....audible, but they're not making much of an impact in the song.

The actual drums do sound extremely sick. I would be interested to hear about what you did for the toms. general eq'ing info? ..did you mix each tom with a trigger? how did you approach gating? etc.

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Hey thanks ! :)
Well for the toms I gated by hand, replaced some (weak hits or when the cymbals bleeding was too strong), and for the Eq, a dip around 200Hz (approx) and a boost around 4KHz, nothing too fancy. Compressed them with a slow attack time and limit. Sent to a plate reverb. I think that's it. ;)