Kalmah official news


Feb 14, 2002
Oulu, Finland
Since there has been all kinds of rumours going on about "big news" etc. I have to set things straight. This Spring Spine will release our 2 first albums Swamplord and They Will Return on double CD. More news will follow on that issue later on our website.

The band is now writing material for next album and will enter studio next Fall. New album will hit the markets in the beginning of 2008 if things work out as planned.

It is up to You if these news are "big".
I don't think Kalmah are going to tour from what I understand. First of all, they seem that they want to continue in university, in addition to that touring conditions in generals even when having a touring agent are really fucked up... You can't take a shower everyday, you'll be stuck in a tourbus for days with the same 5 people, eventually, they can't really do much to their fans on the shows themselves because they may be tired etc... So Kalmah may be the #1 band to make music without touring :)
:Smug: Nothing especial here.. I already have all kalmah cds.. A single would be cool.. I guess most of Kalmah big big fans (ou not) already have the first 2 cds..
^ that's right.. 'I never had the chance to obtain them' is a fucking lame excuse. even if you live in freaking Syberia you could just mailorder them from Amazon anytime...

the reason they're reissueing the first two albums is too obvious. the originals are becoming out of print and because Kalmah is starting to get some major worldwide fanbase, Spine realized they could make some serious $$$ by re-releasing them.
first, new kalmah cd is going to be fukin amazin i cant wait. kalmah is 1 of my fave bands they r gods.

seocnd, they should tour even if they r stuck on the bus and shit, there a band. bands r sposed to tour. on top of that they r a metal band. suck it up and fuckin please ur fans by touring a bit christ. i hope they come ehre someday in the future :rock:
i would love them to tour also, but i mean they do have jobs and whatnot. and as far as i know there really good live. (only seen one video of hades live on youtube, and i live in america) but in the long run its up to them.