Karen, you were in my dream last night...

Thanks, but if you had some of the dreams I did, you'd be glad you forgot most of them. I think my last normal dream I recall was some time ago.
I dreamed one night that I was walking with my friend and when I looked at him, his head turned into a rake and he started whacking me in the head with his head-turned-rake handle. Then a velociraptor jumped out from behind a tree and that's when I woke up.

I think I was 10 years old. I still remember that dream because it was so cool.
When I was 16 or so, I had a dream that I was sitting in my room late at night and went out to the kitchen. When I got out there, I startled a HUGE living chocolate chip cookie with arms and legs and a face that was going through our cupboard. It started chasing me and all I remember is running around the house, scared out of my mind and jumping out a window. Once I got outside, I woke up. I'll never ever forget it haha.
I dreamed one night that I was walking with my friend and when I looked at him, his head turned into a rake and he started whacking me in the head with his head-turned-rake handle. Then a velociraptor jumped out from behind a tree and that's when I woke up.

I think I was 10 years old. I still remember that dream because it was so cool.
hahah that's so badass
agreed a fucking great book, it was made into a film with Charlton Heston in the 70's and called "The Omega Man" ...seek out this movie if you can find it, great childhood memories of watching it over and over...Will Smith will ruin the remake for sure.....

Why the hell would they cast him...

You know there is gong to be a moment where a vampire is ripping some dude apart and Will Smith will pause, look at the camera, and say something lame like "I guess we really do taste like chicken." or "If he were wearing converse sneakers circa 2007 he would have had the speed to run away."