Karen's Cook Book


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Since this board is infamously known as the useless-thread board,
I have decided to make one that is not useless!!
The recipes thread!

yours truly has recently overcame her kitchen phobia, and now, she is happy to say she LOVES to cook.
As an offspring to a chef mother, I think I got it in my genes as well.
Im pretty good at it, considering the fact that 3 years ago, you could find me in the supermarket, walking through the aisles and looking for “deep oil” (yes, I though deep oil is a different kind of oil….. )

Im wondering, if any of you has a cool recipe that you can share with the world, and with moi :cool:
Please don’t hesitate to type in even the weirdest things you have cooked, and the weird names you have named it. (heh)

I like almost everything, im very not picky when it comes to food, I love variety in my plate, meat combines with vegetables and so on…
I love healthy stuff. Im not a health freak, but Im not gonna eat too much grease and fried food.
So fire away.

Let us all share recipes!
i promise to cook what i'd like and take a picture :Spin:
Heres one K

One Glass of beer
One shot of amaretto
Proceed to immerse (drop the shot glass) into the beer
Drink it as fast as possible
Repeat untill you repeat blughghghg

Your on the way to a hangover hehe

Chef Troyardee
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"Happle Bagel Sandwich"


1 bagel
2 granny smith apple slices
2 individually wrapped singles of american cheese

cut the bagel in half. put a slice of cheese on each half, followed by the apple slices. sprinkle cinnamon on top. put in toaster oven until nice and toasted. eat each half individually. delicious.
I am oven man. And I say this to the other boards: At least we can express ourselves without mods being the thought police.
by cara taylor

-1 can of bush's vegetarian baked beans. (or regular)
-1 bag of morningstar fake hamburger meat crumbles.(or real meat)
-can of sliced potatoes or fresh sliced potatoes
-a bit of ketchup (don't be afraid!)

-get out a pan, put it on the stove and set the burner to medium.
-dump the meat crumbles in. heat that up. time varies on whether or not you use the fake or real meat.
-dump the can of beans in. mix together.
-pour a bit of ketchup in. mix it up til you see no more red.
-dump the taters in. mix it up.
-let that all heat up
-eat it
Rotisserie Chicken

1. Call Swiss Chalet
2. Ask for the Rotisserie Quarter Chicken, Half Chicken or Whole Chicken
3. Wait 30 minutes for Chicken to arrive
4. Pay Deliverer
5. Enjoy!
Jose's Chicken Especial

Ingredients: 4 chicken breasts
2 cups salsa
4 oz. Jose Cuervo Tequila

Put chicken breasts in sealed plastic bag with salsa & tequila. Shake until mixed, then put in refrigerator for five hours. Rub on paprika and salt, then grill on medium--> high heat. Serves four.
I'm more of a grill man myself. Nothing beats cooking on a grill to me.