Karen's Cook Book

NoLordy Capone said:
Easy mac fucking sucks. I hate mac and cheese. :loco:
same here...last time i ate it was in kindergarden or however its spelt.....barfed it up all over the table during nap time
haven't eaten it since
Grilled Chesus

2 slices of white bread
4 slices of american cheese
1 toaster
1 knife
take 1 piece of bread. put 2 piece of cheese on it.
repeat once
take the other piece of bread, put on top of the cheese
repeat once
put in the toaster
toast it
cut them down the middle with the knife
Dead_Lioness said:
i love it how you all say at the end: "eat"

thanks for the recipes you guys.....:p
im gonna try to make somehting one day... keep em coming,
Cara: where's derick? i need some interesting recipes from him :D
he's still at work right now, but i'll make him post some recipes :cool:
my personal fav:
throw on stove
watch for 5 mins (not to long, red is good: makes it juicy)
take off
can put stuff on top like barbeque sauce
yeah thats good
add mashed potatoes for extra delight
aye i usually get it medium or medium well
depends how i feel, usually medium is the best
well done :err: only good with cheeseburgas-gotta cok those babies good
Egg In A Hat:

1 Egg
1 Piece of Toast
Lawrey's Seasoning
1 Green Pepper

Get a cup or something cylindrical with an opening and cut a hole in the middle of the bread.

Fry an egg sunnyside up, adding a little green pepper, pepper, salt, garlic, and lawrey's seasonings as desired (but not too much).

Put hole over yolk and let cook until the bread is tough.

for the leftover piece of bread I usually cook it alongside bacon for a bit of flavor (a little greasy but it works)
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only Hungarians know what real gulas is. Germans don't know anything else but Wurst braten. :loco:

from Tee's cookbook:


minced pork mix with a bit of rice, salt, garlic and onion, put it on a bit of oil to loose the (bloody) colour, and wrap up into the leaves of sauerkraut. add water, let it boil for an hour and half, add zaprska ( :p ) -> flour on the oil + red pepper powder, not hot. and voila. bon appetite.

Tee said:

minced pork mix with a bit of rice, salt, garlic and onion, put it on a bit of oil to loose the (bloody) colour, and wrap up into the leaves of sauerkraut. add water, let it boil for an hour and half, add zaprska ( :p ) -> flour on the oil + red pepper powder, not hot. and voila. bon appetite.

that is the shit!! my grandma makes them so fucking good. can't wait to eat some next summer in romania again. I will try tee's sarmale recipe asap.
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Dead_Lioness said:
I marinate my lamb chops in Guinness extra stout and a lot of garlic.
Let me tell you... its FANTASTIC!

thats the way!!! guinness for all!!!!!
guinness will work well with everything, itll even knock out children after a couple, so you wont have to worry about em for several hours :)

Oh and seriously, Guinness pie rules, its the best thing ever, its more like a stew with a layer of pastry on top but by god its brilliant. mmmmmm Guiness pie. You all must try it!!!!