Katatonia puts all others to shame!!!


Mar 4, 2003
Sorry im spamming but I just joined! Ive been a huge fan of these guys for id say 1 maybe 2 years now and I have to say they put all other rock bands to shame. They are the best musical talent I have ever heard(Not the early stuff) and am a fan for life! Any bands that might sounds somewhat similar if that is possible? Nobody can touch Jonas's vocals though! Peace
The two don't really sound the same, but when I'm in the mood for Katatonia (most of the time), you could usually find an ALice in Chains cd in there, typically their jars of flies release.
Sorry guyz but I dont like the horrible painfull screaming and wailing. Its just not my style. I absolutely love the new stuff with the actual singing in it. Or else they wouldnt be my fav band in the whole wide god damn world. But I respect all you peps who like the screams of death and demons!!!!
Katatonia are amazing. I wouldn't say they put all others to shame though..

If you want more clean-vocalled brilliance, get:

Opeth - To Bid You Farewell
Opeth - Credence
Opeth - A Fair Judgement
Its called a god-damn opinion and some people need to learn to respect them. I dont understand how you can like the early screetches compared to the singing of jonas. Its uncomparable. These guys are going mainstream becuase of Jonas and that voice. If they stuck with the demon cries I dont think they would be as popular. They hit such a huge variety of genres that pulls alot of different people together, but stay unique in themselfs. If I want that screetching I will wait till holloween and buy a noise tape that you always here in haunted houses............... Katatonia Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not demons
To bid you farewell is awesome man thanks for the reference!!! Is this part correct " In my own ashes, I am standing without a soul" That is one of the best singing/guitar meshes I have ever heard! Bad ass
Orca_Bracer said:
Its called a god-damn opinion and some people need to learn to respect them. I dont understand how you can like the early screetches compared to the singing of jonas. Its uncomparable. These guys are going mainstream becuase of Jonas and that voice. If they stuck with the demon cries I dont think they would be as popular. They hit such a huge variety of genres that pulls alot of different people together, but stay unique in themselfs. If I want that screetching I will wait till holloween and buy a noise tape that you always here in haunted houses............... Katatonia Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not demons

Demons?! What the FUCK? I think you need to take a METAL check dude. The vocals do not solely make the band; the music and the atmosphere it creates are very important. And ALL Katatonia's albums have atmosphere, that's one of the things that makes them so great. Katatonia aren't trying to be popular, they're doing what they want to do. If that's clean vocals, then fine. But you can't deny the quality of the older material, even if it's just not to your tastes.
Moonshield said:
Demons?! What the FUCK? I think you need to take a METAL check dude. The vocals do not solely make the band; the music and the atmosphere it creates are very important. And ALL Katatonia's albums have atmosphere, that's one of the things that makes them so great. Katatonia aren't trying to be popular, they're doing what they want to do. If that's clean vocals, then fine. But you can't deny the quality of the older material, even if it's just not to your tastes.

AMEN TO THAT BROTHER! :headbang: I can't stand it when people won't even recognize the quality and talent of harsh vocalled metal just because of the vocals! My mother is always walking around in my room when I'm listening to music and mocking the vocals while cleaning up around, it really bothers me. While the lyrics are talking about love or desertion, my mother is busy screaming about Satan and killing children. I think she really misinterprets the music I listen to. Oh well, anyone else had similar experiences?
Hey the atmosphere is great man and I love all there songs intstrumentally. The old stuff is good too, in fact I actually like listening to the music but I just dont like the singing in the old days. Sorry to be a little harsh. SO YES THE OLD IS GREAT, BUT I DONT LIKE THE SINGING(YELLING). Even if it has good lyrics and means something important I think that it sounds ugly. Thats me though, if its sounds beautful to you then who cares, dont flame. I respect it man! I think the best example of great turned bad in MY OPINION is murder. Has a great melody but then you know what comes after that. Blahhhhhh, conjure the spirits , just kidding!!!!!!!!!! Im just curious all you yell fans what posesses a person to sing like that????????? Funny how singing like jonas makes things hmmmmmmmmmm...........10x as good ? Oh and going mainstream is just what these guyz need! They need to be heard and I dont care if its mtv. There are a ton of people who dont here songs untill unfortunatly there on the radio(sad). So getting popular over here in u.s. and hitting mtv and shit would be absolutely awesome!
Man, that whole argument about how music suddenly becomes terrible because it sounds or has gone mainstream is boring...

Correction: it isn't even an argument--it's an opinion.

I generally agree with you Orca_Bracer.