kayo dot interview in lamentations of the flame princess

every sephira has a celestial correspondence (binah -> saturn, etc.) which makes birth pains of astral projection seem really important (central?) to solving the puzzle:

"maybe on saturn (binah) or mars (geburah) or mercury (hod) or luna (yesod)"

i see the numbers corresponding to songs/lines, but i can't understand how that's trying to relate these things, or to what exactly. O_o
anyone have any idea about these?




the fourth one doesn't have it's own page/hebrew and it doesn't look like it goes along with the other ones.
I thought it does? Though it's difficult to see through the purple. It's there, though, in addition to other things.
YaYo said:
i thought i read that all the interludes were played using that chord or something.. greg said something about it once i believe.
I'm too lazy to get the CDs out, but is the chord D F# D F# C# E? I thought that the third interlude was in Dmaj9. It might be able to be played in both tunings, I dunno.
inkybmistro said:
every sephira has a celestial correspondence (binah -> saturn, etc.) which makes birth pains of astral projection seem really important (central?) to solving the puzzle:

"maybe on saturn (binah) or mars (geburah) or mercury (hod) or luna (yesod)"
And the artwork has those planets leading up to the distant bath (cover of bath i believe). There could be something to the hebrew letter/number connecting these planets in that order.. (8, 40, 200). But i can't see what.

And in those images you posted, the fourth one is present in the booklet, it's just really hard to see it.. as Xtokalon said. I described some thoughts about the hebrew on those in a previous post.. unless you mean the bigger symbol on each page in which case it doesnt seem anyone has any ideas about those in particular.
Firedwarf said:
Hey YaYo.. this is unrelated, but how's your music stuff going? I haven't seen an mp3 of yours in a while.
It's coming along. Still in the process of re-recording everything but not too far away now.. i havent been writing much new stuff for a long time but ive got many ideas floating around my head. I might have the elusive 'album 1' available to buy fairly soon..

I am working on 5 albums at once though :p All for one project.. i really should finish albums before i start new ones, but i have so many different things i want to do!
What if you had to read in the liner notes instead of maudlin lyrics?

Secret outtake from the Bath and Leaving Your Body Map sessions! The lyrics are clues to solving the puzzle contained within the liner notes of Bath and LYBM.
wondering if anyone still hangs around here. it's been years.

not sure if the bath/LYBM mystery was solved yet, but i'd like to work on it with some of you fellas that had some info. i've gotten to about the same point as most of you, but there are inconsistencies i've encountered with the hebrew numbers.

anyone interested in getting back into this?
So I took out my Bath and LYBM CDs to look this over again, and I believe I'm looking at my reissues instead of the originals -- it has lyrics for e.g. The Painting of Mu Principle. (I hope I didn't lose my original albums!! I bought them during the Dark Symphonies sale way back in 2003.)

Anyhow, this is unrelated to the discussion at hand, but I could have sworn one of the albums had a quote from Final Fantasy in it. ("Believe me! I think it was a robot.") Am I hallucinating? Because it doesn't seem to be here, unless it was taken out of the reissue for some reason?

This is a Very Important Question.
So, just thinking out loud here -- what if those squiggle-drawings actually represent paths through the Tree of Life? I can't see how some of them would actually maintain the connections you'd find in a drawing of it, though.
OK, I went through YaYo's method and was able to reproduce the results, which I'm taking to mean that I've understood him so far. (Although I wasn't nearly so confident on the Hod large-numbers problem -- I still consider that to be an open question.)

Some things I'm looking at next:

I sort of believe that the line in Astral Projections that ends with THIS IS A CLUUUUAH was basically meant to give the same information that's in the secret song. (I don't think the secret song was available on first release, was it? So we wouldn't have had it as a such a clear guideline).

BUT in addition to the four planets that are italicized, so is the word Amelia. Does anyone have any context as to who/what Amelia was supposed to be in Birth Pangs? If so, I wonder if this is another clue...

However, given the progress so far, and the fact that Toby and xfer have only really validated that we should look at those squiggle drawings next, I really do believe they represent some connectivity in the numbers/words, and potentially a mutation of the numbers as well. If you look at the tree of life diagram, take away all the connections and just leave the bridging symbols behind, you can sort of imagine superimposing these squiggle diagrams atop them and getting a sequence of symbols out.

(The last one for Yesod in purple which doesn't have a page on its own squiggles up and down, and moves a bit to the right each time -- I take this to mean vertical movement only, but since they couldn't draw a 3d picture, this was the best we could get.)

Now (a) where the superimposition should begin and (b) what the sequences would mean are all open questions to me. I'm going to tinker with this a bit more.


"I saw the branches of a tree
Falling on these planets"

This is sort of where I got the squiggle drawings = related geometry to tree of life

I think what I'm missing is how to map "branches" in this sense to how the drawings are rendered -- do the lines represent branches in the tree of life and corners / inflection points the nodes/sepira or whatever? (This is my very first day reading about Kabbalah, if you haven't noticed.)

One other thing that's bothering me -- in the very first diagram (for binah / they aren't all beautifull / oraios / saturn), the lower-left inflection point isn't quite a corner, it's more like a teeny line with an orthogonal line spiking out of it. WHAT DOES IT MEAN
Does this look familiar? (Hint: Look at the charcoaly image above)

By symmetry, you could flip it horizontally so that it connects with the sephiroth that are actually mentioned in the secret song (binah, gevurah, hod)


Here we have an example of how the Geburah diagram could be inscribed (Starting at geburah, because hey why not)

(this is the second squiggly diagram in Bath, the one with the red background from before)


The last two are a little bit nasty for their own reasons, but gtg for now, argh!
Does this look familiar? (Hint: Look at the charcoaly image above)

By symmetry, you could flip it horizontally so that it connects with the sephiroth that are actually mentioned in the secret song (binah, gevurah, hod)


Here we have an example of how the Geburah diagram could be inscribed (Starting at geburah, because hey why not)

(this is the second squiggly diagram in Bath, the one with the red background from before)


The last two are a little bit nasty for their own reasons, but gtg for now, argh!