Dark One
The Tainted Dogma
Actually, it was cheaper then before... but the nice price now comes with the cost of having to get my ass outta the hotel a little after 4am...

Anyway, as long as it's a done deal.

Actually, it was cheaper then before... but the nice price now comes with the cost of having to get my ass outta the hotel a little after 4am...
For all of you flying in, how much did your airfare come out to?!?!
wtf if i'd found this rate i'd be going for sure
so you guys are gonna be getting into town when? sunday? monday?
It's not too late man, join the party!
Fail. MSP isn't an option as a destination.
Sunday my negro, are you interested in meeting with us way early on Monday for the plastering of a lifetime? We will hit the Moonsorrow gig in a stupor that will set your belly on fire!!! And by belly I mean world.
Edit- Roundtrip to Minneapolis is 261. What's your budget look like?!?!
Bruddah mang, call off sick from St. Paul. It's the dead of winter, people catch colds.
So is J not going anymore? Did I miss something?
Yeah, I'm definitely down for meeting up somewhere and preparing for the awesomeness of Woods of Ypres!
We're leaving Sunday morning and I have work all day tomorrow plus a dinner. I have yet to pack and rather than starting now I'm sitting here typing this important message.
A transfer isn't required (well, unless you're a total wuss!) Just take the #54 bus (http://www.metrotransit.org/images/routes/054.pdf) to the 5th St. and W 7th St. stop, and it's like a half-mile walk from there. All for $1.50.
The weird thing is the location of the "official" hotel; I don't understand why it's over a mile from the venue. I just got a room at the Crowne Plaza Riverfront, which is only a few blocks from the venue, a block from the bus route, and $49/night (through Hotwire, admittedly, but the normal price is the same as the Best Western's normal price).
And as a final bonus, I apparently won't have all you drunk bastards keeping me from my beauty sleep there!