Kemper Profiling Amp

usually they're all way too muffled/cloudy sounding, no definition, no bite and tightness

When I got my Kemper I hoped it would be a short cut to all those perfect high gain tones, but I couldn't get any to sounds exactly how I wanted. Since I really suck at micing amps, and I found the ability to tweak existing profiles was really limited, the whole Kemper concept fell short to me.

I went with the Axe FX II instead but faced the same issue - most of the stock cabinets might suit other styles but, according to my taste, are most often way too boomy, lack the bite and doesn't have the 'right' kind of scoop in the mid range. However, due to the insane tweaking possibilities, I hope I will eventually get there.

Blaming hardware is easy; the real problem obviously is my own lack of skill in knowing the difference between a tone that sounds good on its own and a tone that sounds good in a mix that will translate well to other systems. I'm slowly learning, though.
let me put it this way...I was offered 200€ for one single profile...still didn't do it...that's how good they are ;)
Then again...I really really wanna share a couple of them, BECAUSE I think they're so good, lol.

I'm thinking about sharing one of my Mesa RevF my not so humble opinion it's much better than anything on rig talk (tried it with different guitars and players, active and passive pickups)...but it doesn't sound very sneapish, so it'll probably not be used by everyone on this board...that's a good thing ;)
it still sounds very LL though.

...perhaps that and a nice one for bass guitar from the M-Pulse BigBlock through SVT Classic cab

but how does one price just two profiles....
Lasse, any chance of making a 90's death metal profile (HM-2 to a Marshall)? Every time I try to profile the HM-2 it just comes out too smooth and loses the raw quality you hear on early Dismember and Entombed records.
Maybe give a little nod to those with the good taste to buy LSDdrums...:)

definitely up for that...just no idea how to do the entoire thing logistically...big cartel sucks

Lasse, any chance of making a 90's death metal profile (HM-2 to a Marshall)? Every time I try to profile the HM-2 it just comes out too smooth and loses the raw quality you hear on early Dismember and Entombed records.

I haven't tried that yet, good idea though
Lasse, now that you've had some time with the kemper and tried it with different amps (I assume), have you noticed if there are any amps that the kemper can't profile as accurate as others? And how does using a boost pedal in front of the amp affect the profiling?
it doesn't sound very sneapish, so it'll probably not be used by everyone on this board.....

To be fair I rarely hear any "Sneap" style tones on this board...just general tones, be them good or bad.

Profile your POD XT before you flog it and make a "Sturgiscore" profile...instant success! :lol:
could someone profil the classic Sturgis Tone (Podfarm)? his settings are all over the web/youtube. I'm not a huge fan, but there're some bands that r gonna track at my place and they want that sound. And me (with my Kemper) are not ready to spend, what, $299 for just that sturgis tone.
What would you guys like to have in a profile pack?

A profile with the "best" position, or the possibility to switch the mic-position one step with the profile?

I am doing a bigger profile session in the next weeks. Until now, there will be following amps: EVH 5150, Mesa Dual Blackface, 6505, Engl SE, Framus Dragon, Fireball 100(2-3Cabs)
What would you guys like to have in a profile pack?

A profile with the "best" position, or the possibility to switch the mic-position one step with the profile?

I am doing a bigger profile session in the next weeks. Until now, there will be following amps: EVH 5150, Mesa Dual Blackface, 6505, Engl SE, Framus Dragon, Fireball 100(2-3Cabs)

The best position.
Ok cool...the problem with these kind of packs is, that the guitar, player etc. are a very big part of the sound.
So the profiles may just fit players with a similar kind of style/taste. We will see... :)
to be honest....atm I'm thinking about how I'm gonna handle this entire profile situation.
I'll be called snobby again, but I think some of the profiles are so good that we'd be hearing them on LOADS of productions, and I do think I have a sort of signature tone that my clients like...I'm not 100% convinced yet that I wanna make that available for everyone to offer.
so I'm actually thinking about releasing some sort of cut down pack (not cut down in quality, but in the number of profiles etc)...will probably try to create some that don't sound too much like me...still making up my mind about that

I hear you, it´s like selling your identity.