Kemper Profiling Amp

btw, I've just profiled my Mesa MPULSE BigBlock through SVT 410...worked like a charm, just used it in a full mix...just that single track, works great

That rules - I really hope you release some bass profiles as those are what I'm lacking most. I tried to profile a Sansamp RBI this weekend and the KPA failed MISERABLY at it, just nowhere near close to the original tone. First time I've been disappointed in the unit, kind of ironic considering it can't clone a $300 box.
Here's a wee snippet of one of my bass profiles...
it's a profile of the M-Pulse, no post EQ or anything, just one track: (just the raw wav!)
(I have cleaner profiles as well)

and to adress that other remark:
no, it doesn not only sound good with my guitar, me playing etc, I'm using the profiles with all kinds of different guitars, pickups and players...they work equally well for all of them.
to prove that point I actually sent some of my profiles to another forum member (Arthur Dantas) to record a teaser video....
here's it (this is actually one of the profiles I plan on releasing, although it's my favourite)

Thanks for the vid, Arthur
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For those who thought I would sound just like Lasse's mixes/sound... Thats not true! This proves that its almost impossible to get the "Lasse sound" without being Lasse Lammert.
And I think it sounded awesome.
The profiles I played sounded different thorugh my hand and my friend's hands.
Also, all the other instruments mix arround the guitar sound makes me sound like myself, even using LSD profiles.
Just like using the LSD drums.

Lasse, thanks for lending me those profiles, I'll buy them when they are released too. Great work!
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Lasse; are you running the mic directly into the KPA, or going from a line-out from the preamp? I did a test this last session after tracking gtrs through the real amp, found that the single 57 straight into the KPA input sounded far better/more accurate than the 57 running into my 312 pre before the KPA. First time I've experienced that, but I know Kyle Odell runs the same setup (straight to KPA). Eliminates the ability to dual-mic in that instance, but for a single mic it was definitely more accurate without the API in the chain.

Sounds killer man!

to be honest....atm I'm thinking about how I'm gonna handle this entire profile situation.
I'll be called snobby again, but I think some of the profiles are so good that we'd be hearing them on LOADS of productions, and I do think I have a sort of signature tone that my clients like...I'm not 100% convinced yet that I wanna make that available for everyone to offer.
so I'm actually thinking about releasing some sort of cut down pack (not cut down in quality, but in the number of profiles etc)...will probably try to create some that don't sound too much like me...still making up my mind about that

Hmmm I dunno Lasse...If that would be the case there'd have to be a lot more Lasse sounding drums out there with your LSD Drums available.
I'm also pretty surprised that the Metal Machine EZX didn't lead to a lot of Sneapish sounding drums on productions. It only lead to Metal Machine-ish sounding drums ;)

I'm sure you know that a production is more than the sum of it's parts, so I don't think that a great LSD Kemper profile will lead to a great LSD-ish production or sound. It would surely help to get a really good one though :lol:

let me put it this way...I was offered 200€ for one single profile...still didn't do it...that's how good they are ;)
Then again...I really really wanna share a couple of them, BECAUSE I think they're so good, lol.


...perhaps that and a nice one for bass guitar from the M-Pulse BigBlock through SVT Classic cab

but how does one price just two profiles....

Didn't you say you're offering a kind of doggybag reamping service, where when you reamp guitars for an album you can get kemper profile of that setup too?
You could be pretty sure that one or another would be shared, so if you plan to do that then YOUR sound is out there anyway (as far as it is possible of course).

Great to hear that the kemper kills on bass too, makes even more interesting now for me...altho you can get awesomeness with a lot of stuff on bass.

TBH, the only gripe I have with getting a kemper and using, for example, your awesome profiles would be, that as I guitar player I'd reaaaaally like the guitarsound on my productions to be created by me, and that I still dig them. That might be pretty unhealthy cause you obviously are a lot better, experienced and have a lot more guitar gear than me, but still...feels better to be able to say I did that myself, also from the learning POV.

Cause with kemper profiles (I think) you can't get as creative as with drums samples for example. You can mix them seperatly and mix in own ones, to give them an more "unique" (whatever that means today) touch.
Harder to do so with guitar profiles, or am I wrong here?
Even if it has been said, that those profiles will sound different through different players and guitars, that also applies to "normal" reamps you do yourself.

I dunno. Maybe I'm just beeing to hard / egotrippish on the subject of other ppls profiles/presets.

Anyway, still GASing for a kemper to use and make own profiles with, cause if it can replace my trips to the room I do reamping in it would be a pretty awesome improovement of my workflow.
Cause with kemper profiles (I think) you can't get as creative as with drums samples for example. You can mix them seperatly and mix in own ones, to give them an more "unique" (whatever that means today) touch.
Harder to do so with guitar profiles, or am I wrong here?

I'm not sure if that's what you mean, but there's definitely room for experiment and creativity with kemper profiles. There are many parameters you could change to make a profile sound radically different. Since I don't have an amp to profile I've had to do a lot of tweaking with other people's profiles to get them to sound like I want them to.
Hmmm I dunno Lasse...If that would be the case there'd have to be a lot more Lasse sounding drums out there with your LSD Drums available.
I'm also pretty surprised that the Metal Machine EZX didn't lead to a lot of Sneapish sounding drums on productions. It only lead to Metal Machine-ish sounding drums ;)

I'm sure you know that a production is more than the sum of it's parts, so I don't think that a great LSD Kemper profile will lead to a great LSD-ish production or sound. It would surely help to get a really good one though :lol:

A big +1 to this.
I'm not sure if that's what you mean, but there's definitely room for experiment and creativity with kemper profiles. There are many parameters you could change to make a profile sound radically different. Since I don't have an amp to profile I've had to do a lot of tweaking with other people's profiles to get them to sound like I want them to.

Ah thanks for the clearification Kimon, that's what I meant! :)
Didn't have a kemper in front of me so far, so I didn't know about how much you can still tweak it, or if you have to use the profiles "as is".
TBH, the only gripe I have with getting a kemper and using, for example, your awesome profiles would be, that as I guitar player I'd reaaaaally like the guitarsound on my productions to be created by me, and that I still dig them.

+1 on this. I doubt the KPA profiles for any serious session of mine will replace a mic'd tube amp. But it's a very good backup plan to fall back on.
I couldn't find it mentioned in this thread yet, but Andrew Murdock (Mudrock) has uploaded his Uberschall profiles on the rig-exchange.

Old news, but since I didn't see it mentioned..
I couldn't find it mentioned in this thread yet, but Andrew Murdock (Mudrock) has uploaded his Uberschall profiles on the rig-exchange.

Old news, but since I didn't see it mentioned..

Care to share how the profiles are named? Cant find them in rig exchange . Thanks!