Kemper Profiling Amp

I tried it again at the messe - and wasn't overly impressed....

because the profiles it comes with are mediocre.
this thing isn't so awesome because it's a great sounding modeller, but because it sounds like YOUR real amp.
and if you know how to mic an amp it's the best thing ever (unfortunately the people who know how to mic heavy amps don't make their profiles available for the public, so a stock KPA is only as good as the profiles it comes with).
but once you release it's full potential it's really mind blowing
agreed with Lasse!

It was when i did my own profile i realize what this unit is capable of.
Too bad i'm sucking mic:ing amps properly :)

Lasse i know you working on some kind of profile pack for the kemper, is it possible you will have some bass profiles to?
I would say a few percent are really good not more. There rest are mediocre.

2% makes 50 profiles. A lot more than none. ;)

Although I can understand your point of view if you're one of those guys who need to have 1000 profiles in their KPA. I'm satisfied with having just 15 good ones, and I try to stay under a 100 in total. :lol:
sorry for being snobby, but I've only found a few decent ones, not a single GREAT profile

also am I a perfectionist, I don't like to settle for "good"...the Axe FX sounds "good"

That was more in reference to the "no one on the rig-exchange knows how to mic an amp" comment. Tone is subjective, so I won't argue with that.

What would constitute a "great" profile for you out of curiosity?
There are, of course, a couple of Lasse Lammert rigs available in the exchange...And with the prospect of more to look forward to. :)
well, tbh the profiles I've uploaded aren't perfect, they're more "niche" to fit a certain is "modern Thrash", that really only works for that type of tone, the other one is a 400$ amp...they're definitely usable, but not GREAT (and yes, I still stand by the comment that there's no GREAT high gain metal profile on Rig Exchange yet, at least I haven't found one.
there are some good clean ones though.)

but yeah, show me a great metal profile that's true to the amp and I'll stand corrected.
usually they're all way too muffled/cloudy sounding, no definition, no bite and tightness
As I said, tone is subjective. Best one that I've found that works for me, is Tecks TOTW 01 Mesa profile.

Again, I didn't take offence to you not finding profiles that you think are great, but the "no one knows how to mic an amp" attitude.
2% makes 50 profiles. A lot more than none. ;)

Although I can understand your point of view if you're one of those guys who need to have 1000 profiles in their KPA. I'm satisfied with having just 15 good ones, and I try to stay under a 100 in total. :lol:
I have erased profiles but as soon as I install updates they´re back. Fuck!:yuk:
As I said, tone is subjective. Best one that I've found that works for me, is Tecks TOTW 01 Mesa profile.

Again, I didn't take offence to you not finding profiles that you think are great, but the "no one knows how to mic an amp" attitude.

well, if someone says "noone knows how to sing anymore" he means that good vocalists are the exeption and extremely rare, don't take the "noone" literally...
there are still a handful of people who know how to mic amps, obviously...Andy Sneap, Mark Lewis, Jens Bogren etc are doing it all the time, so of course you'll have to take the "noone" with a grain of salt.
Many people can mic a clean amp decently, but for most it seems to be much more difficult to mic a high gain amp without getting a boomy result.
Now my expectations on your forthcoming rigs are high. VERY HIGH!;)

to be honest....atm I'm thinking about how I'm gonna handle this entire profile situation.
I'll be called snobby again, but I think some of the profiles are so good that we'd be hearing them on LOADS of productions, and I do think I have a sort of signature tone that my clients like...I'm not 100% convinced yet that I wanna make that available for everyone to offer.
so I'm actually thinking about releasing some sort of cut down pack (not cut down in quality, but in the number of profiles etc)...will probably try to create some that don't sound too much like me...still making up my mind about that
usually they're all way too muffled/cloudy sounding, no definition, no bite and tightness

These, and some other problems with profiles you find on the internet, I'm pretty sure have a lot to do with using a different guitar that the one used for profiling (and to a certain extend the technique of the guitar player). I wouldn't be surprised, for example, if one of your profiles sounds muddy when I'll play with it. I'm sure that the cab sound will sound great though.
I'll be called snobby again, but I think some of the profiles are so good that we'd be hearing them on LOADS of productions...will probably try to create some that don't sound too much like me...still making up my mind about that

Nothing wrong with being proud of your work. :cool:

But I'd definitely like a lot of variation, I'll be sure to get the pack. Tbh I've been waiting for your rig pack from even before you had a Kemper. :lol:
to be honest....atm I'm thinking about how I'm gonna handle this entire profile situation.
I'll be called snobby again, but I think some of the profiles are so good that we'd be hearing them on LOADS of productions, and I do think I have a sort of signature tone that my clients like...I'm not 100% convinced yet that I wanna make that available for everyone to offer.
so I'm actually thinking about releasing some sort of cut down pack (not cut down in quality, but in the number of profiles etc)...will probably try to create some that don't sound too much like me...still making up my mind about that

Easy fix! Get some amps you don't usually play and mic them up. How about a Powerball for a change? :D