Kemper Profiling Amp

He meant profiling the preamp section, not profiling an amp with a mic'd cab.

i havent tried profiling anything from the direct out on my amp yet but why would it be any different? i would be surprised it if was any less effective than micing it up.
i havent tried profiling anything from the direct out on my amp yet but why would it be any different? i would be surprised it if was any less effective than micing it up.

I don't know, I haven't tried it either. I just pointed out that he was referring to profiling the preamp not profiling in general.
i just did this.

the kemper even has a "cab" enabled after you profile the lineout (despite the fact that there is no cab in the signal chain). if u disable that cab, it just sounds even more awful than it does per se without a cab.
and the profile doesnt sound close to the real thing.

i dont know if i did anything wrong but to me the kemper is a disappointment.
i could easily hear differences in every single profile i did.

the kemper always sounded more flat and middy. the deep-low-end-energy seems to get lost in the profiling process. with standart e-tuning this might be less of an issue, but with downtuned palm-muted-playing it got really obvious.
Hold on a second...

I haven't read this entire thread but from what i've seen the people who are "disappointed" are the people who have attempted to profile sections of the guitar signal and it hasn't worked out? Surely it was designed to profile an entire rig as a snapshot....head, cab, mic etc? Everything i've heard using that is absolutely bang on. If you're just going to start recording line outs and using impulses why not just buy a Torpedo? Axe-FX for sheer br00tz!

I must have missed the boat on this discussion =\
this was just a second attempt after profiling the whole rig at first. which also was disappointing
Please people go back some pages and read my posts before telling something I never said!
I said that I was super happy profiling the entire rig (amp/cab/mic).
Kemper can't fucking profile the preamp section of an amp period.
If you people think you can, just post some audio and let's see where I'm fucking things up.
^^ it was not mine, i just tested it before i was gonna buy it. which turned out to be a good idea. :D
Why would you need to do that if the original setup is fine?

Because I play through a power amp at a rehearsal room, so I'd like the monitor output to sound good through a poweramp.
Anyway I bought the kemper to profile the amps clients bring here, so I can reamp later and let them take away their stuff when session is over.
it would be handy to have the preamp section sounding different on every different profile.
No matter what you do when profiling, as soon as you turn the cab off, it sounds the same because they use only one algorithm.
CK explained it once that the Kemper is not intended for preamp profiling. I didn't remember his exact words but he said something like that the realistic Kemper sound comes from the profiled interactions between the preamp and the poweramp sections. He also said that it would not be possible to profile the preamp only and then have a cab added within the Kemper with realistic sounding results/amp behaviour. Again those were not his exact words but you can find more about this somewhere on the Kemper forum where people complained about the preamp profiling.

Why don't you profile the whole rig and disable the cab when you play through your poweramp?
CK explained it once that the Kemper is not intended for preamp profiling. I didn't remember his exact words but he said something like that the realistic Kemper sound comes from the profiled interactions between the preamp and the poweramp sections. He also said that it would not be possible to profile the preamp only and then have a cab added within the Kemper with realistic sounding results/amp behaviour. Again those were not his exact words but you can find more about this somewhere on the Kemper forum where people complained about the preamp profiling.

Why don't you profile the whole rig and disable the cab when you play through your poweramp?

Because profiling just the preamp works better with a poweramp in my opinion.... on the monitor output I don't disable the cab.
Check out the video that Lasse did. It's quite obvious that you can profile a recording chain to the point where it doesn't matter in the mix. The SPDIF reamping, where you don't lose ANY sonic quality, is also gold. If you can't get it close enough you're more than likely doing it wrong. I've read that it doesn't work as well on some type of amp designs, but everything I've done so far has been close enough that it doesn't make a difference to me, and the workflow is so much better than tracking through a real amp. I'm flying out to a gig on Friday, and I'm bringing my new Rev F Dual Recto(serial number 9xx) with me which I profiled two weeks ago. Oh, I don't own the amp, I just borrowed it :)

Did this with my somewhat newly acquired Kemper Rack. I love the damn thing, it's just great. The preset was a Rackmount Recto Lasse profiled, he'd send it out if you made a video of yourself playing oldschool DM with it. Vocals where just for shizzles, as stated. Btw., do you guys have any Mastodon-like JCM 800 sounds on your radar? Or good Silverface cleans? I fucked around with a JMT 45, but it's not really the greatest stoner sound yet. I'm still searching for oldschool, really Marshall-esque, not too much gain and harshness, just like Crack the Skye or similar.
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Check out the video that Lasse did. It's quite obvious that you can profile a recording chain to the point where it doesn't matter in the mix. The SPDIF reamping, where you don't lose ANY sonic quality, is also gold. If you can't get it close enough you're more than likely doing it wrong. I've read that it doesn't work as well on some type of amp designs, but everything I've done so far has been close enough that it doesn't make a difference to me, and the workflow is so much better than tracking through a real amp. I'm flying out to a gig on Friday, and I'm bringing my new Rev F Dual Recto(serial number 9xx) with me which I profiled two weeks ago. Oh, I don't own the amp, I just borrowed it :)

Dude you didn't even read my posts to begin with, I said that profiling the full rig is spot on, while profiling the preamp section is not, and btw has been confirmed by others.
Dude you didn't even read my posts to begin with, I said that profiling the full rig is spot on, while profiling the preamp section is not, and btw has been confirmed by others.

I read it, sorry if my post came off the wrong way. I've just been overjoyed with my KPA lately. The KPA is fantastic for it's intended use, but it's not the most versatile machine in the world. It failed miserably at profiling an Ampeg SVT two weeks ago, and it doesn't seem to be able to profile a preamp... So it quite clearly has it's limitations. They just don't matter to me personally :)
My question would be: Who gives a shit? That's not what it was intended for.

Clearly some do. If some want a function and others don't care, does that make those wishes obsolete? Currently KPA, by default, reads the signal as an entire rig. If you could bypass the "cab" section when making the profile I guess you'd have something closer to what some are looking for. Maybe Kemper will add it in a future update. Or maybe they should stop being inventive since some people don't need that function.

Personally I think it would be cool if the KPA could also profile distortion pedals. Maybe some day!
I pretty much don't get the whole discussion...

It was not advertised that the Kemper is able to do it, so no one should be dissapointed.

If he could do it, great, if he can't, ok, no one of the company tricked you.

I played a lot of different live-set ups... all kind of engls, rackmount rectifier, 5150, mesa os cabs, engl pro cabs, laney cabs bla bla bla...

The KPA is by far the best live-rig I ever had! Ultra light, very fast/easy to set up, versatile as fuck and with my personal profiles, just perfect for me.