Kemper Profiling Amp


I played a lot of different live-set ups... all kind of engls, rackmount rectifier, 5150, mesa os cabs, engl pro cabs, laney cabs bla bla bla...

The KPA is by far the best live-rig I ever had! Ultra light, very fast/easy to set up, versatile as fuck and with my personal profiles, just perfect for me.

Do you use any footswitch with it? I'm pushing to use Kempers with a band I do FOH with so I want some tips on how to use it live. The main thing I'm trying to figure out is how to do with tuners - the band uses wireless systems and they can't exactly walk over to the Kemper to tune...

I also have the idea to use floor monitor wedges for their stage sound, to aim the sound away from the audience, and it makes it easy for the guys to hear themselves and control their own levels.
BTWThe KPA is by far the best live-rig I ever had! Ultra light, very fast/easy to set up, versatile as fuck and with my personal profiles, just perfect for me.

Same here. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the latency while changing between rigs. I'm starting to get used to adjusting to it, but in a perfect world the change would be instant.
1.8 beta came out this week, is supposed to address that in some way, actually!

Yeah, I know, I read it earlier today. I'm flying out to a show tomorrow and I don't want to upgrade to beta firmware until I get back... Haven't heard any feedback about it though, if that problem is solved I will have no issue at all with the KPA.

One question for you guys though. I've seen that people have been using their KPA for bass tones, have you guys managed to profile bass amps properly? I tried to profile an SVT two weeks ago, and while it sounded ok it didn't get close to the real amp... The low end was way off.
I've found that the refining process gives the profiles that I've been trying to make a murky low end and f'ed up treble. Have you tried not refining B36arin? I'm still just experimenting with mine though.
I've found that the refining process gives the profiles that I've been trying to make a murky low end and f'ed up treble. Have you tried not refining B36arin? I'm still just experimenting with mine though.

I always refine, it's a big part of the process. But the Ampeg SVT was way off. I've always been very happy with my guitar amp profiles, so I'm wondering if it has something to do with how the KPA handles low end.
I read a post from someone on Gearslutz about that. They wrote to Kemper and Kemper told them that while it's really only meant for guitar amps, they're working on the bass side of things? But apparently some people have had luck with it....
One question for you guys though. I've seen that people have been using their KPA for bass tones, have you guys managed to profile bass amps properly? I tried to profile an SVT two weeks ago, and while it sounded ok it didn't get close to the real amp... The low end was way off.

The Keith Merrow Rig pack has a couple of bass profiles. Haven't tried them though.
Clearly some do. If some want a function and others don't care, does that make those wishes obsolete? Currently KPA, by default, reads the signal as an entire rig. If you could bypass the "cab" section when making the profile I guess you'd have something closer to what some are looking for. Maybe Kemper will add it in a future update. Or maybe they should stop being inventive since some people don't need that function.

Personally I think it would be cool if the KPA could also profile distortion pedals. Maybe some day!

Don't worry he's not giving a shit as he said.
Don't worry he's not giving a shit as he said.

Reminds me of when I bought my first mp3 player. I checked the ones they had in the store, went to the sales clerk and let him know which one I wanted. He said it was out of stock and recommended an other model instead. I said I didn't want that one because it didn't have any line in. His answer was "nobody uses line in". I left the store.
Do you use any footswitch with it? I'm pushing to use Kempers with a band I do FOH with so I want some tips on how to use it live. The main thing I'm trying to figure out is how to do with tuners - the band uses wireless systems and they can't exactly walk over to the Kemper to tune...

I also have the idea to use floor monitor wedges for their stage sound, to aim the sound away from the audience, and it makes it easy for the guys to hear themselves and control their own levels.

FCB1010, but in the near future with Cubase running backings, clicktrack and midi to switch the guitar amps.

I am also using the floor monitors...100times better than monitoring via a 412cab, because of the shitty small angle.

For the tuner you could use the DI out with a long cable to the front stage, just in the input of the tuner!
FCB1010, but in the near future with Cubase running backings, clicktrack and midi to switch the guitar amps.

I am also using the floor monitors...100times better than monitoring via a 412cab, because of the shitty small angle.

For the tuner you could use the DI out with a long cable to the front stage, just in the input of the tuner!

Cool, that's almost exactly what I had in mind. Except for maybe using a rack tuner on the side, but we'll see what we end up with. How do you do to mute the signal when tuning, you set up a muted patch on the Kemper or something, or use a volume pedal? I guess both should work?

Also great for FOH sound to not have a 4x12 blasting right into the audience. I recently did a show in New York, everything sounded good except for one of the guitars, struggled with that for the whole bloody show. Ended up muting it and the problem was still there... The opener band shared the backline and they'd turned the amp up, and the guitar player of my act didn't check the level after that. Messed up the whole gig...

I played a lot of different live-set ups... all kind of engls, rackmount rectifier, 5150, mesa os cabs, engl pro cabs, laney cabs bla bla bla...

The KPA is by far the best live-rig I ever had! Ultra light, very fast/easy to set up, versatile as fuck and with my personal profiles, just perfect for me.
+1. I used it for our tour and our AE and the other guys were really impressed, also got a lot of positive feedback for the sound from local technicians and fans (which wasn't the case before :D ).
It was funny how the sound of the other guys changed throughout the 10 days and mine was always the same (and real good imho). I love having no problems with feedback, allthough if you really need it for a song you can still provoke it.

For the tour and a festival gig last weekend I went from the Kemper into the FX return on my 6505+, so I had a reliable monitoring on stage and in case the wedges were shitty (happens), but soon my retrofittable poweramp will arrive for that and the setup will be perfect. 7,5 kg in a tiny case, with all FX and no dancing on pedalboards - I can't even begin to describe how happy I am.
Using it with a Tech21 MIDI Moose (, but as soon as the Kemper footcontroller comes out I will get it.
Just ordered one. Settled on the black toaster version. I can't see that I would really need the rack version.
Just got one!

And what a fine piece of machinery this is.. holy shit.
To be able to achieve almost every possible sound and rig available in all kinds of combos is something else.. and i really need to compliment the Kemper for how it feels.
The feel is just spot on, like you are playing a real rig instead of a modeler.. very direct, very clean and dynamic.