Keyboard in metal

The keyboard and you ?

  • I like that !

    Votes: 27 75.0%
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i think keyboards work well with certain bands, for atmospheric value... but i think some bands clearly dont need them
I don't mind keyboards used correctly. Look into Forest Stream if you want keyboards done horribly. Forest Stream is the biggest joke I have ever seen. I can't believe I wasted 9 dollars on that Tears Of Mortal Solitude pile of shit.

I deserve to be shot.
A lot of black metal' bands don't need keyboards. A lot of bands as Dream Theatre or Nightwish uses them and it was great. I don't like AOR ; for me it's soap. Without keyboards, they woulb be more heavy.
Yeah I agree with most of the posters here- some bands really know how to use keyboards( dimmu, dark tranquility etc.) as they dont make keyboards as a major instrument. But I abhor, yes abhor the Malmsteen- statovarius- Rhapsody- Dream Theater keyboardists- god they are bad; the keyboard takes over in these bands. I really dont give a fuck how talented and how fast these fuckers can play, this isnt Rachmonov- this is fucking heavy metal- there are other fucking instruments. Well, I just cant express in words my disdain for power metal and prog keyboardists- they maybe worse than the guitarists.
I like it, it helps to make an epic atmosphere and improve the band techinic. Of course, played but someone who knows to play.
I hate keyboards, in fact the first thing I ask someone when they tell me that this or that band is amazing is, "Do they have a keyboard player?" If the answer is yes, I won't look into it, no fucking way can I hack that shit, most bands would absolutely kill if they didn't use keyboards, and not only that but most of these keyboard players are, uh, dweebs. I don't kjnow about you guys(actually , yeah I do, you guys love 'em) but it must be very, very atmosphereic and mixed low, or an actual fucking piano, I hate keyboardists who play with the "Grand Piano" setting on their fucking Casio, I can clearly here the difference, there is no "space" for individual notes to interweave.

I do ,however, like real pianos in some metal.

@Speed, Rachmaninov is one of my fav composers, along with Beethoven's sonatas, Rachmaninov's piano concerto's are some of the most beautiful classical music ever written, pure emotion.
Well we agree on Rachmaninov- you know the issue here is- these fuckers are putting what amounts to a piano concerto into a metal song- totally wiping out the rest of the music while they are playing. I swear, the worst is that Sherinan- and Rudess- those fuckers think they are gods gift to fucking music- and god I cant stand them.
speed said:
Well we agree on Rachmaninov- you know the issue here is- these fuckers are putting what amounts to a piano concerto into a metal song- totally wiping out the rest of the music while they are playing. I swear, the worst is that Sherinan- and Rudess- those fuckers think they are gods gift to fucking music- and god I cant stand them.
Shit, you hit it right on the head, I never thought of it that way before, but it makes sense. I very much enjoy classical music, especially solo piano pieces, but when you put something like that in a metal song it is just one big distraction. When it comes down to it, these bands are splitting up the money more than they should.

Question, I know I am going to get flamed for this, but when did keyboards become "metal?" These douches that wear cloaks on stage and can't move around because they play a stationary instrument did not show up until the eighties...the eighties are over. Oh well, what do I know? These are just my opinions.
Words you will never hear passing the Elephant's lips:

1) Hey, man, like them shoes.

2) Naw, I don't want a beer right now.

3) Wow, am I glad they put keyboards in this song.
the keys are awesome when used right: Emperor, Dimmu Borgir etc...

but if you do it the bad way or what its the same the children of bodom way you are gonna suck cock