Ki$$ $ymphony

Triumphant Apostle said:
No, I'm aware of the Kissco record (Dynasty), I just think they've gotten completely out of hand since the reunion tour began. By the way, the one thing I DON'T consider to be a sellout is the Carnival Of Souls album. In my opinion it's musically the best album they've put out in over a decade...
I happen to love Carnival of Souls that record should have been released properly & they should have toured behind it with the non-make up KISS band. It was stripped down, Raw & Heavy, which KISS didn't do much in the past...
tedvanfrehley said:
Again, guys...I am 100% Gene's Bitch. And I don't mean that in a gay way. I'm secure in my masculinity...hehe but dammit, as much as I agree KISS sold out long ago, (from day one!) I can't help it. I don't really look at them as a band....a group of musicians...I look at them as an ENTERTAINMENT entity only. They're just a bunch of fun whatever era you look at. Same as Diamond David Lee Roth. Cheezy as all hell but again, you can't compare KISS to any BAND of skilled musicians. When was the last time you bought a HERSHEY BAR and thought, "Damn, as far as nutritional value goes, this thing is just shit...I should of had a powerbar". Hell no. It just tastes good!!!! KISS and especially SIMMONS are nothing but clowns and I mean that in a good way. They sing and dance and make you forget about all the stresses of the day to day grind. They're more interested in what TASTES GOOD than what's in GOOD TASTE...I think SImmons said that, but it's true. You can always go to Queensryche, Iced Earth, Dream Theater, or even the Dixie Dregs or Bella Fleck and the Flecktones if you want great players with musical integrity...but if all you wanna do is cut loose and ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT...or if you get a little case of ROCK N ROLL PNEUMONIA...or if you like to drink a little COLD GIN then you had damn well be able to put your cynical pipe down and hit the best legal escape there is....the mighty KISS!
Slap my ass and call me shirley!
Terrible Ted

TVF you make some good points in your statement, I would agree with 90% of what you have posted. I however, wouldn't be caught dead slapping your ass & calling you Shirley!:wave:
And I thought Gene's bitch was Shannon Tweed?!:loco:
Ok, so I got a tad carried away...never let it be said that ol' Ted is anything if not turned up to 11. But I digress, KISS has a strange spell on me. They can do no wrong in my eyes. As much as I got pissed about them putting the cat makeup on Eric Singer, as much as I hated the never ending Farewell Tour, and as much as I hate Ace not being involved, they still get me every time. Whether I buy into the hype or not, somehow my desire to just see KISS continue overrides my bitching of all that they do wrong in my eyes. IN OTHER WORDS, (let me make this point and I swear I'll shut up...) goes.....

I HAVE A DREAM: I have a dream that in a world of whole step down tuned and 7 string playing sons o ' bitches that all sound and look exactly alike , that in a world of bands that have one album that sells 10 million and are never heard from again, that in a world where kids can go to HOT TOPIC and buy any damn pair of DUMBASS AS HELL looking bell bottom black pants with red trim and a pair of freakin' spiked wristbands, that in a world where piercings are all you need to be metal, that in a world where you go in the local mall music store and ask a worker in an Eminem hat if the new MAIDEN dvd comes out this week and he has never heard of Iron Maiden (are they "new age?") that in a world where the only decent music to come out in ages is all reissues.....I dream that somebody can just put down their politics of so and so sold out and like something just because the standard tuned A CHORD hit you in the chest like a ton of bricks and made you say HELL YEAH!
Bigger than the devil
Hey sixxswine, from what I remember there are heaps I really agree with I think (and some that I totally disagree with haha). I never seem to agree with that dokken72532 or whatever's reviews though haha! Well some of them I do, but heaps I don't.

Hahhaa Yahoo Serious LOL! I remember a couple of his films, Young Einstein and Reckless Kelly haha! Dunno what he's up to now, I think he made a new one a couple of years ago that looked really bad.