killin deserves a SWEEEEEEET thread !!

Originally posted by Northern Viking
now say what? :p

Originally posted by Harvester of Sorrow
normally takes 3 Americans to do it.

I can't tell for certain how many brazilians it would take, i don't believe they can afford a precious commodity like duct tape

and this is the kind of thing that takes just 1 american to think


hey dude, it was a joke, relax!
I mean, we all know there are stupid people all over the world. The problem is you americans elected a stupid president! :lol:
and besides, your school education is based only on the US. So people on the rest of the world end up thinking you are ignorant, because in most countries the education is facing all countries.

oh yah, :lol: @ nv too :D
HAH the USA education system is shit because all of the students in public school do not apply themsleves!!! The USA Needs to be more like Japan when it comes to school!
eauehauaehuaeh japan is like, with a scale from 0 to 10 in grades

10 - you did no more than you have to
9 - you gotta try harder
8 - you can get moved to the lazyheads´ class
7 - you are plain stupid
less than 7 - You are retarded/having serious psychological disorders.

and i´m serious!