killswitch engage

General Zod said:
I don't concern myself with which genre a band fits into. It has very little relevance. That said, I love "Alive or Just Breathing?". It has a ton of great riffs on it, and some excellent melodies.

I think calling it "Kid's Metal" is quite silly. What does that make Opeth, "Adult Contemporary Metal"?

I've never understood the need people have to insult music that they don't enjoy. I don't appreciate classical music, but I also have no need to poke fun of it.

I agree 100% everyone has thier own tastes. I listen to whatever I am in the mood to hear. I liked that "Adult Comtempoary Metal" quote, that's great! I just get sick of all tha fanboys here who act like opeth is so otherworldly and the best music ever, c'mon people you could say that about any number of musicians. Opeth are competent musicains, but I could think of many more who are just as good and even better. It's all a matter of subjective personal taste. I respect everyone's taste here, and everyone else should do the same. :cool: ;)
shark22 said:
I just get sick of all tha fanboys here who act like opeth is so otherworldly and the best music ever, c'mon people you could say that about any number of musicians.
Agreed. I use to post here regularly. But the overwhelming fanboy mentality gets to be a bit much.

shark22 said:
Opeth are competent musicains, but I could think of many more who are just as good and even better. It's all a matter of subjective personal taste. I respect everyone's taste here, and everyone else should do the same. :cool: ;)
Well said. I think people tend to make too much out of the band's musicianship. It's quite good, and very mature. However, I think their real strength lies in their songwriting.

"If it's not Opeth, it's crrrrrddraaap" <say like Mike Meyers>

Ha. Nah. I love KSE. My fav is still the first album with Jesse on vocals. The new vocalist is great, but I still like Jesse's vocals better on the first album. It seemed to have more intensity or emotion or something.

Jesse's new band though (Seemless). :yuk: I don't know. I couldn't get into it.
Sanzen said:

You, my friend, must be one of those incessant Opeth fanboys who thinks that just because something doesn't feature complex musical arrangements that it's trash and "not worthy". Some of you people, emphasis on some, might as well be Manowar fans. I joined this forum thinking that "hey, maybe the people on the Opeth forum will be more intelligent than those normally on other boards". Fact of the matter is that KsE is more thrash than most anything I can think of that has come out in the past, I dunno, 5 or 6 years. Music evolves, no they're not 80"s thrash by any means, but they are thrash. Albeit a new form of thrash.

Why do people like you get allowed "living privleges", you're no better than a 12 year old Britney Spears fan. OPEN YOUR EARS AND PERHAPS MAYBE YOUR MIND WILL FOLLOW.
the_drip said:
THey suck, they have on esong. My Last Serenade, and they play it OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

boring shit.

If you hear the same song over and over and over and over again, it's going to get boring. My Last Seranade was a single off Alive or Just Breathing. It's going to be a little melodic and catchy, hell they even made a video. Still a DECENT song. Like I said, not opeth complex, but still good in it's simplicity.
no i'm saying they took their formula...from My Last Serenade ..which was their first song to get ANY airplay..and they wrote the same damn song over and over again. THe End of Heartache is the most mundane piece of shit to ever be released in the last 5 years, in metal.

I acutally liked Alive or Just Breathing.
we might as well just "make room on this floor" for a huge pit so we all can swing and flail our arms. howard sucks, and the band is monotonous with their stupid start stoppish "breakdownish" riffs taking up the majority of every song. Having that guy sing clean is probably one of the worst ideas in heavy music ever. The "new wave of american heavy metal" dosen't know how to progress...they just generally know how to be bro.
hehe i find it funny when dumb cunts decide that rather than just sit and listen to music, theyd argue about genres, and bag those with a wider range of music tastes than them....oooo these guys like killswitch who are so not thrash, yeah the only true metal is death blah blah fuckin blah....get over dont have to like everything that others do....but you dont have to go over the top when someone likes something you dont....btw, nothing against death at all. love it
on the killswitch topic....i liked both vocalists for different reasons...jesse had less range in his voice, but what he did, he did well....howard has a lot more variation with less specialty....i saw them at their first ever australian show, before teoh was released, and howard did a fuckin good job to say the least. not a bad lineup either, with soilwork and anthrax playing as well
orchidrise said:
You, my friend, must be one of those incessant Opeth fanboys who thinks that just because something doesn't feature complex musical arrangements that it's trash and "not worthy". Some of you people, emphasis on some, might as well be Manowar fans. I joined this forum thinking that "hey, maybe the people on the Opeth forum will be more intelligent than those normally on other boards". Fact of the matter is that KsE is more thrash than most anything I can think of that has come out in the past, I dunno, 5 or 6 years. Music evolves, no they're not 80"s thrash by any means, but they are thrash. Albeit a new form of thrash.

Why do people like you get allowed "living privleges", you're no better than a 12 year old Britney Spears fan. OPEN YOUR EARS AND PERHAPS MAYBE YOUR MIND WILL FOLLOW.

shit dude, look - IT'S NOT FUCKING THRASH METAL. It's nowhere near fast enough, it's got those sing-along choruses that reek of appealing to the lowest common denominator, and it has fucking BREAKDOWNS.

i'm sorry buddy, and you can take my comment however you like, but you might as well call it R&B. I don't care if you like Killswitch Engage or not - but it's not thrash.
I think the song alive or just breathing kicks some serious a$$ parts of it remind me of opeth's deliverance.
Dreadful said:
we might as well just "make room on this floor" for a huge pit so we all can swing and flail our arms. howard sucks, and the band is monotonous with their stupid start stoppish "breakdownish" riffs taking up the majority of every song. Having that guy sing clean is probably one of the worst ideas in heavy music ever. The "new wave of american heavy metal" dosen't know how to progress...they just generally know how to be bro.

I pack a mean Crane kick , bitchez. and I paint the fence in the pit better than anyone!