Kind of goofy


May 2, 2005
I noticed people make jokes about danny spitz knowing how to fix watches. I know it's not a real metal profession or anything but the fact is one day your fucking watch will break. The you'll be kissing Danny Spitz's ass.

On a side not I once made a joke that Kenny from type O was really Danny Spitz.
No shit, given the track record of loyalty Scott and Charlie have I would want something to fall back on.
Dude watch making is like one of the hardest occupations. It takes a special person to be able to make watches, and I mean look at Spitz..a little person doesn't get more special then that. No seriously though, it takes a lot of patience, but you do make a shitload of money doing it. Wouldn't it be awesome if he started opening his own watch shops all across America. I know I'd buy a watch from him.
Karina_666 said:
he's not working on cheap watches either. Some of these are double my salary and more.

Yeah, that's what I mean. People think he would only make a "decent living" off of these watches, but he'd be making the big bucks. On Alive 2 under the interview section, he shows the camera a watch he made, and it looked expensive as hell.
jpike said:
What the fuck? I make a comment saying Dan is smart and i fucking get attacked by you self-righteous kids.

Haha. I'm just fuckin with ya man. Don't take me seriously when I get like that.

Self righteous kids?
I see nothing wrong with fixing watches, especially the kind he is working on. If I read correctly, he is the only person in North America to fix those kind of watches. Plus it was in his blood from when he was younger, thanks to his grandfather.
whitey131 said:
I noticed people make jokes about danny spitz knowing how to fix watches. I know it's not a real metal profession or anything but the fact is one day your fucking watch will break. The you'll be kissing Danny Spitz's ass.

On a side not I once made a joke that Kenny from type O was really Danny Spitz.

I think Spitz profession is cool. I am very impressed how he got through his education in that short time. But I didn´t like those crappy songs he did with 7x7 (yes Buddy I only heard the two you linked to but they sucked). He was writing stuff about how Scott and Charlie had ruined the band but when I heard that stuff I thought "if that´s what you call "great new songs" I couldn´t be happier that you are not in the band anymore". He was much happer making watches than being in Anthrax with the anxiety and new songs and singer that he didn´t like very much. Anyway, the reunion tour is soon over and if Danny stays I´m curious how he´s gonna handle touring if his anxiety-attacks come back.

And what is a heavy metal profession, working at a new-ku-lear powah plant? Working at a steel mill?
Arg_Hamster said:
I think Spitz profession is cool. I am very impressed how he got through his education in that short time. But I didn´t like those crappy songs he did with 7x7 (yes Buddy I only heard the two you linked to but they sucked). He was writing stuff about how Scott and Charlie had ruined the band but when I heard that stuff I thought "if that´s what you call "great new songs" I couldn´t be happier that you are not in the band anymore". He was much happer making watches than being in Anthrax with the anxiety and new songs and singer that he didn´t like very much. Anyway, the reunion tour is soon over and if Danny stays I´m curious how he´s gonna handle touring if his anxiety-attacks come back.

And what is a heavy metal profession, working at a new-ku-lear powah plant? Working at a steel mill?

I have no I dea, most watches aren't very heavy.:tickled: