

Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Do any of you peeps have a Kindle?
Thinking of buying one for the wife for Xmas ...
what's the deal with the books you download from Amazon, can they be sold to another user once downloaded (in case of textbooks for example)

thanks my babies!
get a tablet instead.

the Samsung Galaxy tab has a kindle app that can allow you to have the Kindle features but you get all the other neat shit like being able to watch movies, video chat, and sweet apps.

plus its spendier so you can tell her it's her birthday gift too. two birds, one stone.
:lol: @ the 2 birds one stone. i try to kill 5 birds nowadays :loco:

but she is not into these app driven things. plus i am not spending 600 clams :loco:

the Kindle she likes as a lot of her classmates have it, its really small and portable
Everybody in my family has a Kindle except me. I might still get one since I miss reading and have access to basically no English books here beyond Harry Potter and Twilight.

I like the free 3G so I can download books any old place. But I hate the idea of not actually OWNING the book. And I don't mean physically, I don't care so much about that. When you purchase a book on it it's not really yours. They can delete it or change it and you can do nothing about it. And if the increasing competition sends the Kindle down the shitter then you just wasted how much money? Plus, books are often not much cheaper there than in physical form. The last thing is that you can't get every book on it. The selection is pretty good but until I can get everything I want to read on it, it makes it a little harder for me to justify the purchase.
When you purchase a book on it it's not really yours. They can delete it or change it and you can do nothing about it.

hmm, this i didn't know. i know the books and their "licenses" are tied into your Amazon account, but I thought once you download the book and its on your device, you have it and own it.
I did read someplace though that if you change your email account with Amazon or try to sell your Kindle with books on it and the new person reregisters it, the books become "de-activated"?
Mrs. Doomcifer and I bought the new version a couple months ago. Sold it a couple weeks ago. :tickled:

I thought it was stupid but she wanted it. (you know how that goes) But once she started screwing around with it, my points were all validated. She didnt even finish the one book that she bought.

I'd much rather have the actual paper book; I'll have it forever if I want. It sucks when you want to flip back and forth in the book with the Kindle. Like any new, fancy electronic device, it will be outdated in a year...not so with a good ol paprus book. The books actually cost more through kindle if you usually buy your books used through amazon. You cant get everything through kindle. I didnt even know about the point brought up by Thatnatopsissjsusis.
:lol: @ the 2 birds one stone. i try to kill 5 birds nowadays :loco:

Fucking wildlife murderer :eek:

Has the Kindle become better than the Nook? I know a while ago it was considered the better of the two devices, though most people owned Kindles regardless. Tablets seem like a better investment regardless of their initially higher cost.. as long as you get one with a screen that is viewable in daylight (Which the Samsung Galaxy Tab does, being Super AMOLED).

I still prefer physical books, so I haven't bought into this whole crazy anyway.
Yeah, I've wanted one of these for some time now. All the points mentioned above are vaild reasons why I haven't yet. The main one is whatever I buy will be outdated in a year.
Paper ftw
i'll just buy my wife 12 books ...

thanks for saving me the bucks my babies.
Yeah, I've wanted one of these for some time now. All the points mentioned above are vaild reasons why I haven't yet. The main one is whatever I buy will be outdated in a year.
Paper ftw

the main one should be that you will look like a fruit using it :loco: