Kiss on Rove

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
My thoughts:

- I'm glad the acoutsic set is only short, I'd hate a whole show of it! But it will definitely be a good little section to have I think, just to sing along to some tunes like Forever, Shandi, Sure Know Something, etc.

- They definitely sound like they've worked on the arrangements better than Metallica did. They orchestra actually fitted with the song.

- Heaps of songs in the set that they never play... HELL YEAH!


I think the acoustic part of the set will be the worst part coz it will be boring, I wasn't too impressed with that unplugged version of Sure Know Something, but it will hopefully be too short to be boring and just a good chance to sing to some cool Kiss ballads.

The highlight for me will definitely be the first half of the show, the proper Kiss set... Strutter is in it hehe woohoo! And I'm looking forward to hearing what they'll sound like with the orchestra. I'm very curious. Hopefully alot better than the unplugged thing did.

At least, unlike Metallica, they are doing a full show. S & M on video/DVD is BORING as all hell. They stand there in a small room doing nothing. Kiss at least will have the full explosive Kiss show which will be fun to watch.
Im looking forward to the dvd :headbang: Kiss is a disgrace but they put on a great show!
Tommy Thayer (ex Black n' Blue) has worked for KISS since about 1993. His band signed to $immons Records in the late 80s, and when it didn't work out, Gene offered him a job as tour manager/general dogsbody.

He was also lead guitarist in a KISS tribute band called Cold Gin, and helped Ace to re-learn all his solos in time for the reunion. I was dubious at first, but now I really want to hear him play :headbang:

He didn't get his own makeup design for the same reason that Eric Singer had to be the Catman on the last Aussie tour. Gene and Paul own the rights to all four characters, and they don't seem to think it matters who's behind the mask as long as the image is the same.

Troops, did they give us a full setlist or just a few highlights? I hope the "songs they never play" are some from The Elder, but I won't hold my breath.

Nup. They asked what do we expect to hear and it was actually Tommy who said "We're gonna be playing heaps of songs that we've never done before or that the band never plays" or something along those lines. And they asked him "like what?" and he looked at Gene to see if he was allowed to say hahaha and then said "Well, to name a couple, Forever, Shandi, Sure Know Something, Great Expectations...". Then Rove asked Paul if they were doing Strutter and he said "Yep! That's gonna be in the first set".

Black 'N Blue are a REALLY highly acclaimed band from the early '80s. Alot of fans of the hair metal scene give them credit for being like the early (and better) version of Bon Jovi and doing the pop metal thing before Bon Jovi did. Their CDs (their studio albums, not the dodgy compilations that have come out lately) are extremely rare and go for over $100 on the American eBay. I've only ever heard some soundclips of them so its too hard to tell from them but they definitely did have the great Bon Jovi choruses.
Better than the Jove? Thats a big call :eek: Ill have to track down this band of which you speak :)
I don't know if they are or not. I doubt they would be... but that's what I've heard people say. I can't judge from hearing 3 soundbites lol.

There is no way the production would be anywhere near Slippery/Jersey anyway that's for sure. I wanna hear some coz I'm curious.

Ive met a dude at a gig and read lots of things on the net with people saying Black N Blue are their favourite band of all time.
Ill see if I can track any of their stuff down... Im not paying 100 bucks for it though :)
KISS on Rove were prettty cool. I'm not really a fan or anything, but if its all a success I will be interested in seeing/hearing the DVD ect.

Troops: I see what you mean about the arrangements fitting in better with the music than it did for Metallica, and I thought it sounded awesome, but I like the way Metallica's arrangements didn't just follow the music, they added to it in a way. S&M rocks, and this KISS Symphony shall rock also! :headbang:
The Rock ruled last night. Goshdarnit I wish we were getting Wrestlemania XIX this year. :( I'm guessing it'll be the Rock vs Austin as one of the many main events (the others being Triple H vs Booker T, Lesnar vs Angle and Vinnie Mac vs Hogan, and probably Jericho vs HBK as well).

Rove is a stupidhead. He's such a... a safe interviewer, almost as bad as Jay Leno. Never asks any actually interesting questions.

And yes, I base this completely on the two or three episodes of his show that I've seen. :)