
did you not remove the stupid sticker from your camera

you know the one that spouts marketing garbage like "3 X OPTICAL ZOOM 7.1 MEGAPIXELS"

take that shit off
Anybody here ever try Armani Black Code? I think I'm going to pick this up along with Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue. Metrosexuality is the new metal. Anything less, is uncivilized.
Cologne, perfume, spray deodorants, or anything of the sort give me a splitting headache almost instantly upon smelling them. Rather annoying, especially because my brother loves the shit and he sprays the stuff all over his car and the apartment. I can't even discern a pleasant smell from any of it. All I get in a nose full of a nasty chemical smell.
meh, wrote a dissertation on this but I got kicked off the server. Fuck it.
@Reginald: Armani Mania
@Evil?: your brother is ridiculous. Using more cologne than only the user or his significant other can smell is trashy. Letting other people who don't give a shit know what you wear is something junior high kids do.
@Reginald: Armani Mania

So Mania>>>>Black Code when it comes to scents by Armani? Checking out reviews based on this nod.

Evil? One must be conservative with the amount of cologne one applies to their nape, forearms. If a humanoid can smell cologne from farther than 3ft, a person is dawning too much.

If there's one thing the French lay down faster than arms, it's their Eau de Toilettes.

Dorian, I'm extremely interested in reading this lost dissertation of yours. I implore you to re-write it. (This is the most interesting thread on this forum)
I can't use any good smelling things for the time being. My eczema is in overdrive this year and I don't want to make it any worse than it is. So, almost everything I'm using is fragrance free. :(
Anybody here ever try Armani Black Code? I think I'm going to pick this up along with Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue.
I've owned some Armani cologne, but don't think it was the Code Black. Regardless, not a brand I wear any more. I wore the D&G for three months. Good stuff. I'm currently rotating between Prada Infusion and Bvlgari Aqva.
