United 93

Nate The Great said:
That would have immediately branded it as some patriotic tear-jerk-fest. Once you see this you will understand better what I'm trying to say. This movie is sort of like Irreversible. Ultra-realistic, almost-too-exhausting, and NOT meant to entertain.

As fast as people (especially young ones) seem to lose track of what's happened in the past, this film will hopefully serve as a reminder. I hope this is the ONLY thing people watch 50 years from now when they study 9/11 in history classes. The director went to a lot of trouble to even make the hijackers seem like real people. Of course I didn't feel sorry for them or anything like that, but I definitely felt like they were real people (just like everybody else in the flim). Basically the enitre film feels like a nightmare documentary.

I'd recomment seeing this in a theater with lots of people. When the movie ended the audience just sat there. There is basically no music during the first part of the credits. Old people were crying, young people were saying "why'd I come to this? That was not fun to watch.", and some people were just trying to figure out what the hell to think about it all. Nobody expected such a stunning movie.

If you look at this just in terms of it being a movie/piece-of-art, I don't think anybody could deny how good it is. The fact that it is about 9/11 will confuse a lot of the "popular" critics. They will automatically dismiss this for the Oscars, just because they don't want to look right wing or anything like that.

Yeah, then I'll see it for sure.

But let me ask one thing: since everybody on that flight died, did they preface the film with some narrative about it being stuck together with random clues? (Or at least, the events that took place on board the air craft).

Of course anybody that votes Crash as movie of the year is worthless in my book.

Goddamn, Crash ruled IMO.
JayKeeley said:
But let me ask one thing: since everybody on that flight died, did they preface the film with some narrative about it being stuck together with random clues? (Or at least, the events that took place on board the air craft).
Yeah, like Wolf Creek. I'm wary of films based on "truth" with no witnesses.
Crash was fucking TERRIBLE. I didn't realize it until about a week after watching though, because it was filmed pretty nice, and the acting was good. But the script + music = all man dick-suck-o-rama.
dorian gray said:
You're the last person on Earth who I think would even *watch* Crash :lol:

I'm really not racist. I think my views have received a bad rap in all honesty. I just believe dirty filthy sub humans w/ negar melanin shouldn't walk amongst wholesome civil human beings. If these nubians put the effort to break the binds of their simian ancestry and conform to living a life of lawfulness, then I'm all for it. I have no anxiety when it comes to good hearted Bill Crosby esque negars. It's these slimy purse snatching semabamboque tribal tarskinned silverbacks that ruffle my feathers. O.K It's true, I wish the spaniards and portuguese never herded these mongrels on to atlantic shores. But if one so happens to strive for success, then they deserve their just applause. :)
NADatar said:
Crash was fucking TERRIBLE. I didn't realize it until about a week after watching though, because it was filmed pretty nice, and the acting was good. But the script + music = all man dick-suck-o-rama.

101% wrong
30 minute delayed response....

...actually, I thought that was kinda funny. :loco:

I remember talking about "The Perfect Storm" once with a bunch of people, and I mentioned the boat sinking and everyone dying blah blah and one guy got all angry atr me for giving away the ending.

The movie didn't preface anything. It didn't say anything about facts or speculation. But I think the director tried to put in as much fact as he had to work with. The whole "let's roll" thing is barely even noticeable in the movie. You know that a normal Hollywood movie would have made that into some Braveheart battle cry for this movie.

The movie just seems like a TON of research went into making it as accurate as possible.
JayKeeley said:
I remember talking about "The Perfect Storm" once with a bunch of people, and I mentioned the boat sinking and everyone dying blah blah and one guy got all angry atr me for giving away the ending.
J. said:
ill wait. seems too Elephant-ish.

was reading Nate's review and this is exactly what I thought as well ... smooches :loco:

don't hold your breath for a review Nate ... will wait for video ...

what about Stone's WORLD TRADE CENTER ... saw the trailer and while very "moving" ...

why oh why?

this one looks really fucking polished ... and fucking Cage again with his trademark schmalzy downer performance.

i want funny fucking Cage back :waah: :u-huh:
whatever happened to this guy?

CHAIRMAN: Got a name for people like you, Hi. That name is called recidivism.

SECOND MAN: Ree-peat 0-fender.

CHAIRMAN: Not a pretty name, is it, Hi?

HI: No Sir, it sure ain't. That's one bonehead name. But that ain't me anymore.