Part One: Great thread. I finally got a laptop for school purposes and the first thing I tried to do is rip all my CDs to the hard drive so I could just hook the computer up to my car stereo and never have to lug my CD case around ever again. This served to be fruitless in two ways. The first is that it's incredibly annoying to rip CDs to a hard drive. Secondly, listening to music by routing a laptop through a stereo is one of the dumber ideas I've ever come up with. I quite literally didn't make it out of the driveway before I achieved utter failure. Since that debacle I have simply grabbed whatever CD (case, artwork, everything) and TAKEN IT IN THE CAR WITH ME. It's a crazy concept that I haven't visited since 1996 or so. And even then, it was probably a cassette.
Part Two: I just got back from IKEA Atlanta (I fucking hate IKEA, btw) where I purchased a CD tower for which to store my CDs. See, I have a plan where I'm going to sit and listen to a CD and read the lyrics and look at the artwork while I do. Sounds crazy but I'm really going to do it. When I have money, I'm also going to buy awesome speakers and an awesome CD player and amp. But by that time, the fine folks at companies like Apple and whatnot will have completely ruined the opportunity
Part Three: Dear Apple and other geek companies: stop ruining my life by making anything and everything i-this and e-that. I don't need i-blow jobs. I don't want to use to fucking i-tunes. I don't listen to tunes. I don't want to listen to mp3s while I e-xercise. You're boring the hell out of me. You're going to be the cause of cool things like CDs becoming obsolete. Go away