My favorite CD of all-time...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Queensryche's "Rage for Order".

In the simplest terms, it's the disc I've listened to the most. I know every nuance of that disc like I do my own face. I think it contains Tate's best vocal work. For whatever reason, I tend to reach for it in the summer. Perhaps because it was a hot summer day when I first bought the cassette and cranked it up in my 1979 Toyota Celica, as I pulled out of the Vintage Vinyl parking lot.

So... what's yours?


P.S. - let's see how many posts this thread goes before someone feels the need to note more than just their favorite, because they "simply can't decide".
I personally think Rage for Order is QR's best release, ever.But I won't be the first to say "I can't decide" as this is all to easy to say. I don't even have to give this topic a second thought. My all time favorite cd is without question Rush - Hemispheres. I remember buying the album when it first came out and just playing it over and over endlessly. Hell, the winter of 1978 I got snowed in for 4 days (Kansas winters could be a real bitch). Talk about getting baked and digging an album :Smokin: . Of course being a Bass player I had a deep interest in what Geddy was doing. :worship:
MERCENARY "The Hours That Remain"

I just can't stop listening to that one, of course there are many others, but that one just seems to always surface as my favorite.
Marillion - Misplaced Childhood

Absolute perfection. Marillion and Fish have gone on to record some amazing music over the years, but they have never approached the brilliance of this album.

If we're limited to metal, then I'm going with Ocean Machine - Biomech.

DT - Images and Words!

I also associate albums with certain times of year too. I guess it tends to bring those good feelings of when you first hear an new album or get into it. Rage for Order is also one of my favorites too and can see why you'd like it so much!
Not my back .. but if I was to ever tat my back like that with an album cover it would probably be Operation Mindcrime.
