My favorite CD of all-time...

Certainly. Though I'm surprised to see a live disc listed. Though it is a great live disc.


I just think that is few vocal performances live or in studio that compare with the emotion and strength that Matt puts into his voice. Matt makes that album is basically what I am saying.

That disc was my first exposure to Queensyrche back in 1989 (freshman year in college), and although I had been a fan of more traditional metal (Dio, Sabbath, Priest, Maiden, etc.,) for years prior, Mindcrime left me spellbound. I never heard anything like it before. It was so complex and "deep", but so polished and smooth. And the voice was to die for. Listening to Mindcrime was a spiritual experience that I didn't get from any other music to that point.

Mindcrime was my first real exposure to progressive metal, and from that point on, music became my biggest passion in life. Although I'm not a musician, there is nothing I am more passioinate about than music. I quickly sought out more bands that had that Queensryche sound and soon discovered FW and DT. The pure energy and introspective feel that these bands conjured up was like a drug for me, providing an endless source of energy and inspiration I could count on at any time and any place. The "always push forward despite all odds" attitude of prog metal kept me going through many tough years of college and still does today.

Although I haven't followed QR since they radically disappointed me with HITNF, I can't deny that my exposure to OPERATION MINDCRIME was really a life-changing experience. I know that's cliche, but with that disc, I went to being one of the flock to being a preacher. I firmly believed in the music and tried to turn anyone on to the genre who would listen.
Well, damn, I'm going to have to be completely unoriginal and say Rage for Order as well. It's edged out PL as my favorite Queensrÿche CD of late, and when I compare it to favorite albums by other bands, I realize there isn't anything even resembling a midocre song on it IMO, which I can't always say for some of my other favorites.

I have been listening to it again in the car since Saturday, but I think that just goes to show. :)
AC/DC Highway to Hell

The Bon years > The Brian Years IMO. I totally lost interest in them after & including Flick of The Switch. AC/DC w/Pat Travers as an opener was the first "real" rock concert I attended at the tender young age of 15.

I also agree with the seasonal listening. Now that Summer's here, it's time to dust off the Molly Hatchet, Outlaws, Doc Holliday, Skynyrd, and Allman Bros. cds...... :rock: I've always been a fan of Southern Rock, and for some reason, it peaks with me during Summer......
Damn good post, it's making my brain hurt.

I'm one of the torn ones as well.. too many spring to mind as albums I couldn't do without. Those on the front lines would be;

Judas Priest - Hell Bent For Leather
Queen - the Game
Lord Tracy - Deaf Gods of Babylon
Anthrax - Spreading The Disease
Rough Cutt - self titled
DIO - Sacred Heart
Rycher, well if it is Nicko... I still wanna meet the guy shouting out mothafucka!!!

I remember getting Live After Death after getting my metal hymen popped from Metallica. All I listened to in terms of metal was Metallica for a few years. Cue to the seventh grade and my friend asks me "Hey have you heard of some band called Iron Maiden" I remember hearing them mentioned alot but it never clicked to get off my ass and get a cd. My friend went out and got Killers and I got Live After Death. yeehaw
Opeth - Morningrise

Simply put, no other release has had an impact on my life the way this one has. The walls and boundaries surrounding the concept of what truly creative music is supposed to be were shattered forever once I absorbed this masterpiece into my soul.

people bash me when i say 5150 is my fav VH album :(

Why? Because of Hagar? I'm close to agreeing with you here. At the very least it's my 3rd favorite behind the debut and Fair Warning. The title track and "Dreams" are outstanding and the catchiness of "Summer Nights", "The Best of Both Worlds" cannot be denied. It's a bit uneven, but the best tracks are monsters.

I don't really know if I have a #1 favorite. It tends to change over time. However, I can narrow it down to a handful of perfect albums; albums that IMO have no flaws. Of those, my favorite right now is probably Evergrey - The Inner Circle.

I listened to Rage for Order about a week ago. I was going to post a message saying that I think it is the "most progressive" CD ever. It sounds like nothing before it, and, in fact, like nothing since. It was, and still is, truly a ground-breaking album. It is the album that got me into this type of music.

BTW, I prefer Highway to Hell over Back in Black by about 1000%.
Rage for Order is indeed a KILLER album. I love everything about it and like you, I know every nuance. If I was picking a QR album though, I would have to give the slight nod to MINDCRIME.

ALL TIME FAVORITE CD?..........................I may need to get get back to you on this. I hate these threads..........notice I did not participate on any of the "best album side" threads. They make my brain hurt. :zombie: