My favorite CD of all-time...

I personally think Rage for Order is QR's best release, ever.But I won't be the first to say "I can't decide" as this is all to easy to say. I don't even have to give this topic a second thought. My all time favorite cd is without question Rush - Hemispheres. I remember buying the album when it first came out and just playing it over and over endlessly. Hell, the winter of 1978 I got snowed in for 4 days (Kansas winters could be a real bitch). Talk about getting baked and digging an album :Smokin: . Of course being a Bass player I had a deep interest in what Geddy was doing. :notworthy

That would be it for me as well, HEMISPHERES is what got me listening to the intricacies of music, brilliant...:notworthy
I thought about my reply to this thread for a while...then realized that "thinking" about it is not the best way to look at it. Figuring out how an album makes you feel is where you need to go on this one.

My favorite is Magnets, by the Vapors. And no, this is NOT the album that contains "Turning Japanese." It DOES contain a song about the Guyana massacre, a song about the assasinations of the Kennedy brothers, and a love song about the internet before there WAS an internet. Show me another album that has THAT kind of subject matter!
Gojira - From Mars to Sirius

I'm not quite sure what it is that grabs me about this disk every time, but I never get tired of it. Some of the tracks are epic, some more concise and it's heavy while still being quite accessible. I could name several parts of each different track that I absolutely love and I struggle to think of many other albums that that is true of.

I also really enjoy the band's imagery/ethos/lyrics, the band has a tendency to be spacey, sometimes socially conscious and (if you've heard their other albums) just downright odd. Not only is the music consistently engaging the lyrics grab my interest every time.

That description probably didn't do the album justice, who knows. Check it out if you haven't listened to it, I highly recommend it.
I know I'm in a minority here (what else is new)
Rush-Signals(represents an era of music that laid the foundation for my songwriting styles)
Yeah,it might be the most guitar lacking CD(at least as far as the mix goes,but that is because the guitar and keyboard frequencies were exactly the same,but that least to an amazing but unique atmosphere) rhythm wise(although my favorite Alex Lifeson moment was Analog Kid,a song I personally covered,the sing that made me want to play guitar.
That CD also had the ultimate anthem of being a "nerd" outcast,if you will with Subdivisions,I'm sure most of us could relate to(still hits home to this day in my situation).
Rage for Order is in my top 5 of all time,at times as being my second favorate CD,but Signals is untouchable
ToTo - The Seventh One

I've listened to that album more times than I've probably listened to the other albums in my top 5 combined.

Joe Williams was just brilliant on the mic and really out of all ToTo's releases, this one was probably the most polished. Every song on it drips of grooviness. The melodies, the harmonies...damn. I'm gonna go listen to it.
Iron Maiden - Live After Death.

Like Zod and his inside out knowledge of Rage For Order I'm the same way with Live After Death. I still want to meet the guy that shouts ...Mothafucka!!!! after Revelations.
Savatage - Streets. The Oliva/O'Neil songwriting in full force, Criss Oliva blossoming as an amazing guitarist, some of the best ballads ever written interspersed with heavy tunes, a good story . . . . like Zod, I've listened to this more than anything else.

O:M is number 2 in my book.

Steve in Philly
I agree with your choice of Ryche cd, Zod. While many feel that Mindcrime or Empire is the pinnacle of their work, for me, Rage For Order is Queensryche's opus. This is easily Geoff's strongest vocal work, and the lyrics and song structure was so different and ahead of its time with what was "popular" at the time. Easily in my top 5 all-time greats.

Now, for my choice. This was hard only in the fact that there are 2 or 3 discs that I have continually gone to for the past 20+ years. After much thought, I'd have to say IRON MAIDEN - THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST. To me, this is THE Maiden album and its the one that put me on my quest for metal and has brought me the most joy. Its the one disc that to this day, when I listen to it, makes the hair on my arms stand up. From the sirens wail vocals, to the galloping bass and drums, to the melodic twin guitar attack...this is about as near a perfect cd as you can get......