Wither... my new favorite song of all-time

Isolate is a great album, listened to it a good number of times already. After I ordered it, I thought I wasn't gonna get it, since there was no money in the band for the debit card, and I got an e-mail saying it was denied.

A little while later, I got an e-mail saying it was shipped, I was overjoyed.
I like Wither a good bit but I think that Arrival of Love is gonna end up my fav on the disc. I don't know exactly what it is about it. I has an almost anime/sonic the hedgehog feel to it. But that's totally from inside my head and not to be taken seriously from anyone else's perspective...
I'm really liking Zero right now. They are all excellent. 10/10. Along with the new After Forever, and Kamelot, these three are my favorites so far for 2008. Also like the new PC69 too (heavy throughout and not "happy").
For me, Riverside, Iced Earth, Drudkh and Primordial will all have a shot. Also, SX and Redemption aren't out of the running for the #1 spot.


If Iced Earth's new EP is any indication of what the new disc will sound like, I probably won't even bother buying it. :erk:

Drudkh is another band people rave about that I have never been able to get into. Maybe it's the production, or it may be something else, but I struggle to get into most black metal albums I've listened to.

The new Symphony X material hasn't really grabbed me, though it sounds solid.

I did actually enjoy The Origins of Ruin, I thought it was a great album, but it didn't blow me away like Isolate did.
Been reading the lyrics and they are incredible. Mike did a freaking fantastic job right there. Also been listening to alot of the vocal overlays and harmonies and they are also incredible. I like the whispers and blurbs, definitely a step up on Isolate than The 1st Chapter when it comes to that side of the production, its awesome to say the least.

If Iced Earth's new EP is any indication of what the new disc will sound like, I probably won't even bother buying it. :erk:
I believe Jon said the reason he chose "10,000" for a single, was because it was the best track suited to be a single. I'm fully expecting a lot of diversity on the disc.

Drudkh is another band people rave about that I have never been able to get into. Maybe it's the production, or it may be something else, but I struggle to get into most black metal albums I've listened to.
Drudkh's production has never phased me, and usually I'm a stickler for the sort of thing. In the case of Drudkh, the production just seems to lend to the whole dark vibe.

The new Symphony X material hasn't really grabbed me, though it sounds solid.
I find the first half much more enjoyable than the latter half.

I did actually enjoy The Origins of Ruin, I thought it was a great album, but it didn't blow me away like Isolate did.
The Redemption blew me away, but I haven't been reaching for it as much. Perhaps I burned out on it.

I believe Jon said the reason he chose "10,000" for a single, was because it was the best track suited to be a single. I'm fully expecting a lot of diversity on the disc.

I don't have a problem with the song itself (although I think they've written much better material), I just can't stand the production they've had on that EP and The Glorious Burden.

Drudkh's production has never phased me, and usually I'm a stickler for the sort of thing. In the case of Drudkh, the production just seems to lend to the whole dark vibe.

I do want to make more of an effort to get into Drudkh, any suggestions as to where I should start?

I have about 4-5 other releases I've really enjoyed this year, but I'd probably rank Isolate above any of them.
I do want to make more of an effort to get into Drudkh, any suggestions as to where I should start?

I'd personally start with "Blood In Our Wells" (2006) and then check out "Autumn Aurora" (2004) - probably their two best and most straightforward albums (for them), blending black metal with traditional Ukranian folkish elements. The remainder of their releases range in varying degrees of experimentation with different styles. Anyway, if you can't get into either of those (excellent) albums, chances are you'll never dig the band.

after a few listens I was sure it was "Arrival of Love" but after a dozen or so more listens I'm beginning to agree with Azrael on this one..."From Childhood's Hour" is got to be the most amazing song on the album. A song hasn't crept up on me like that since "Unchanging" by Sun Caged.

yeah, I like AOR with my Prog Metal. Thanks..
Of All-Time ..... really?? It's a good tune, no doubt, but to deem it the best of all time seems a little premature.

Yeah, I agree that Zod was being premature in his statement. If he'd listened through the *whole* disc before posting, he would've said "Mouth of Madness" (track 7 on Isolate) instead of "Wither" (track 3). :) Wither is an awesome track, though.

Seriously. This disc floored me. I was *hoping* it would be as good as "1st Chapter," or at least somewhere vaguely close.

It's not. It's 1000 times better, which says a lot since that CD has been in regular rotation for me for about 2 solid years now. Wow. In my opinion Glenn's raving review had me positively drooling in anticipation for it t be release, but now that I've heard it, I think really didn't give this CD a fair review and must have been in a bad mood when he reviewed it. :)

Yes, it's that good. :rock:

P.S. It's so good that it makes up for the fact that Mike Portnoy spent so much time at the microphone on the new Dream Theater. :heh:
The new Symphony X material hasn't really grabbed me, though it sounds solid.

I did actually enjoy The Origins of Ruin, I thought it was a great album, but it didn't blow me away like Isolate did.

I've actually only listened to the new SymX once (keep putting "Isolate" on instead), but it sounded really great...I'd put it above The Odyssey, if it holds up on repeated listenings.

Redemption's "The Origins of Ruin" also blew me away, and is still getting very regular play after several months, which says a lot for it, because I have about 30 CDs I've had since *before* I got TOoR and still haven't listened to them. "Fall On You" is my favorite track from that disc...the guitar intro and vocal line are simply perfect. I'd call it a progmetal version of "Wild World." :-)

Great CD overall, and so far its only real competition for CD of the year for me is CM's "Isolate" and maybe "Signal to Noise Ratio" by Dead Air Radio (anyone else been blown away by this disc? Haven't heard any comments on it...phenomenal songwriting that I'd say is half Redemption and half Enchant).

I'm a little shocked that the new Pain of Salvation, Dream Theater, and Kamelot haven't really grabbed me so far...maybe they just need more listens? Hard to say....

I'd throw the upcoming Pagan's Mind CD in the top list expectations as well...
It's a disc I'm definitely looking forward to. However, I thought the last disc was, at best, a step sideways. It just sounded like more of the same, without as many great hooks. I'm hoping they can recapture the magic of "Celestial Entrance", but in a fresh way.

It's a disc I'm definitely looking forward to. However, I thought the last disc was, at best, a step sideways. It just sounded like more of the same, without as many great hooks. I'm hoping they can recapture the magic of "Celestial Entrance", but in a fresh way.


Zod, I totally agree with you here!
It's a disc I'm definitely looking forward to. However, I thought the last disc was, at best, a step sideways. It just sounded like more of the same, without as many great hooks. I'm hoping they can recapture the magic of "Celestial Entrance", but in a fresh way.


I can understand how you feel here, but don't agree myself. Celestial Entrance is one of my favorite albums and when Enigmatic Calling came out, it took me a few spins to decide how I felt in comparison, and while it's not as progressive as CE, it's heavier and has some of the most killer grooves I've ever heard, all while still keeping everything that makes them such a great band. I found it so addictive that it didn't leave my changer for months and is personally my favorite from them now and was one of my top 10 for 2005. I thought the material was more focused and kicked even more ass than their other discs, which as far as my tastes go, was a move in the right direction.