Kopeth New Song!

Hi there!
Some of you perhaps remember I did a Opeth style song last year. Everything was done within one day to get used to the new version of Cubase SX.

Now I had a little time to do another one. This time it took two days cause my vocals were so bad and because my voice wasfucked after screaming 15 minutes (I'm not used to it).
With two days I'm talking about composing, programming, recording and mixing.

This time I tested some new amps and mics and combinations (Randall, Boogie with Royer mic etc). Some worked some did not as you can hear.

The sound is not really great compared to what I do normally, but it's okay for two days time.
Listen and enjoy!

Thanks for the kind words!!!

I don't remember everything exactly. I did this already a few weeks ago.

The drums are of course programmed, completely with my own samples.
I took the snare from the latest Six Reasons To Kill record that I produced.
I just took the samples I did with their drummer.
The kick is the same as in the first Kopeth song. It's one of the sounds I did for the Linplug RMIV.
The rest I don't remember. But it's all recorded here at Kohlekeller Studios.

The guitars are:
Two tracks Rectifier / Boogie 1x12" recto cab / Royer R121 / Api preamp
No EQ used

Two Tracks Line6 POD2

Two tracks Randall RH200 / Boogie 4x12" cab / SM57 / API preamp

The POD and Randall tracks are very low in volume, just additional guitars.
To be honest, Randall and Recto and POD was not the best combination. The guitars all together sound a little muddy and not as tight as they could be. Could also be the Royer Mic. Normally I also use SM57s.

Clean guitars were Peavey classic 50 / peavey 4x10" cab / Royer R-121 / API preamp

Bass I think was Drawmer 1960 through a hardware Pultec

Melodic vocals were an Oktava MK319 / ADT preamp / distressor
(btw this mic sounded so bad, dark and muddy!!! That was the main reason for putting the telephone effect onto the vocals, ha, ha)

Scream vocals were SM7 / API preamp / Distressor

Once again, If you wanna hear some more (and better sounding) stuff from the studio, just go to

Thanks again!