Koude's free shit

I think it should go like this:

Koude chooses someone for the package to be sent to first

They list the CDs they plan on taking
Said person receives package
They post the next person they send the package to
Next person lists the CDs they took

It's more of a 'grab bag' approach that way and, in my opinion, is more fun
Alright, well Koude, decide who they're being sent to first. Let us know exactly how many, then we'll see how many people and get the numbers together. YAY!
I seem to remember ozz bragging about his bank account on multiple occasions...
And d_t doing pretty much the opposite, having to sell parts of his cd collection just to keep his head above water...

In that respect, I'd lean towards d_t or waif first and second...
I could be joking about my bank account though ;)

Either way, that doesn't really affect his decision since the person he ships the shit to will have to pay for it anyway. It's going to be a sunk cost for anyone involved unless you're the last person getting stuff.
I will be able to afford sending these. It's better than full price for the albums, which I couldn't afford. Either way, I'm fine with either WAIF, Ozz, or myself getting them first. If you send them to me or WAIF first, I could just send them to Ozz along with the CD I'm sending him anyway, saving me a few bucks. :)
Arghoslent - Hornets of the pogom
Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
Archgoat - Whore of Bethlehem
Beherit - Messe des Morts / Angelcunt ARCHGOAT
Bestial Raids - Reversed Black Trinity
Black Witchery - Desecration of the Holy Kingdom
Blasphemy (Can) - Live Ritual: Friday the 13th
Deströyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Deströyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves
Dismember (Swe) - Like an Ever Flowing Stream
Graveland - Creed of Iron
Graveland - Following the Voice of Blood
Graveland - Immortal Pride
Graveland - Memory and Destiny
Graveland - The Fire of Awakening
Inquisition (Col) - Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan
Inquisition (Col) - Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer
Inquisition (Col) - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Kaamos (Swe) - Lucifer Rising
Nifelheim (Swe) - Devil's Force
Nifelheim (Swe) - Nifelheim
Proclamation - Advent of the Black Omen
Proclamation - Messiah of Darkness and Impurity

Shit I would like. I'll take whatever hasn't already been claimed.
I would stake a claim (the Necros Christos, Nokturnal Mortum, and Hate Forest CDs I was interested in) but being a jobless 19 year old bum I have no money even for shipping, so I gotta pass this up. :lol:
I actually quite like the idea of sending it around and each person just picks a specific number and passes it on, dividing them evenly. I think we should make a rule of no more than 1 album per band, since I know there is great demand for some of this stuff. Anyhow, I'd be cool going first or third, since that seems to be the choice.

As for divvying this up, at current I count

Angel of madness

10 people, 41 cds. Everyone gets 4 and someone gets an extra one. I suggest that the last person get the extra one if we do the grab bag thing because presumably those will be the 5 that everyone else felt were least desirable.

EDIT: missed the Butt, but he doesn't want in, so...
I propose that we close enrollment because it's been a while and it's getting to the point where the cost of shipping begins to outstrip the benefit of the CDs.
Alright, that sounds fair. I like the idea of no more than one per band, as well. That makes it easier to make everyone happy. So figure out who goes first, you or Ozz, then we can get this started.
Alright, I'll go first, send it to you, you send to Ozz with the CD you need to send him, and so on. Sound good? I'll PM Koude with my address pending collective approval of this plan.
Sounds fine to me. Once that's approved, I'll PM you my address. I already have Ozz's because I'm supposed to send him a CD anyway.

EDIT: I also plan to rape Ozz when I get the chance to go out there.
In the interest of full disclosure, I plan on taking Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon, one of the D666 albums, and then the other two will probably be based on what cover art I like the most.
I was gonna say Beherit, but I guess you'll get that. In that case:

Proclamation-Advent of the Black Omen
Morbosidad - Cojete a Dios por el Culo
Bestial Raids - Reversed Black Trinity

Then either the Beherit/Archgoat split, Archgoat, or I might go your route and whatever looks cool.