Krank Rev Jr. vs. Orange Tiny Terror

I'm just gonna throw this other option out there, seeing you're looking at low-wattage, high-gain amps


It's 15 watts, runs on EL84's and has the advantage that if you don't like the voicing, you can just swap out the module :)

I haven't played one, to be honest, but I've always been impressed by the bigger MTS series amps.
You can get just the head now. Krank decided to do it. On Beyond Eleven you can get the Rev Jr. and Rev Jr. Pro by themselves, $549 and $599US (respectiveley). Mark got one seperately in the UK as well.

Rex, you know I actually have been looking at that as well. My friend has the Lynch Box with a bunch of modules and he's fucking addicted to it. He's a tone freak, very snobby, and it says a lot coming from him when he says that it's quite possibly the best sounding thing he's ever played. Of course, it's all subjective to the person's taste, but he always has had a great guitar tone.

couldn't find a shop in germany for the rev jr. could you post a link for a uk shop selling them?
EDIT: ok has got a rev jr. now. must have been going online today. ships out for 559€. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS
the randall costs in 900€ in the eu. the mt4 (preamp) costs about 700€
I've had my eye on the TT for strategic classic-to-hard rock purposes for a while now, but keep putting off ordering one in hopes that the Egnater Rebel (now 7+ months overdue) will finally hit the shelves.

single channel w/ gain, 3 band EQ, master
three-way standby switch: 2x EL84 / Standby / 2x 6V6
"Watts" knob continuously variable from 1w to 20w
"Tight" switch, "Bright" switch
fx loop

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Egnater says it will be a hard $599 (list and retail), but some anonymous webguys have claimed that local Guitar Centerses are letting them pre-order for $399 with half down.
I'm just gonna throw this other option out there, seeing you're looking at low-wattage, high-gain amps


It's 15 watts, runs on EL84's and has the advantage that if you don't like the voicing, you can just swap out the module :)

I haven't played one, to be honest, but I've always been impressed by the bigger MTS series amps.

Yeah, that thing looks sweet, but it's the EL-84(s) that give me pause...then again, I could probably slave it into my JSX power amp. I love all these companies releasing low-powered versions of their awesome amps; it's perfect for us studio guys! :kickass:
Yeah, that thing looks sweet, but it's the EL-84(s) that give me pause...then again, I could probably slave it into my JSX power amp. I love all these companies releasing low-powered versions of their awesome amps; it's perfect for us studio guys! :kickass:

yeah im just waiting for a:

Peavey 6505 Jr
Marshall JCM800 Jr
Mesa Single Recto Jr
Soldano SLO100 Jr

i think you see where my imagination is goin:D
Why, and which one do you think is the obvious winner? Cuz for me I'd second your statement if you were referring to the Krank, but I can think of many who would be referring to the Orange
When I think of Orange, I think of versatility. When I think of Krank, I think of knuckleheaded metal heads.