

New Metal Member
Dec 28, 2001
Have any of you guys heard their music, saw Alexi was in it, was wondering if it was worth checking out. I could maybe find some on the net to download but don't have time to look right now :D
its punk rock

street punk really, pretty good, kinda like the forgotten, oxymoron, THe vex, but a little different.

its cool
bobvex said:
its punk rock

street punk really, pretty good, kinda like the forgotten, oxymoron, THe vex, but a little different.

its cool
probably the only punk i'll listen to, of whatever bob finds for me

but those 3 bands = teh win, when it comes to punk
I just bought one, there were 3 for sale on e-bay. Kinda high price, I spent $18.00 USD but its ok, I got the cash so what the hell, I couldn't find it on any other online music stores.

I'm looking forward to it, I also got a bodom DVD with milwaukee metalfest/some other live show and a bid on a diff one too.
CoBmassacre said:
I just bought one, there were 3 for sale on e-bay. Kinda high price, I spent $18.00 USD but its ok, I got the cash so what the hell, I couldn't find it on any other online music stores.

I'm looking forward to it, I also got a bodom DVD with milwaukee metalfest/some other live show and a bid on a diff one too.

You know its just a bootleg right? You could just download it through a program instead of buying it from some ripoff, but whatever, I'm sure you knew, besides, im not your daddy
Yeah, I knew it was a bootleg, really $18.00 isn't much to me, it was only 12 anyways, but I had to pay the shipping on it. I wasn't gonna look around to download it, I'm on modem so I don't feel like waiting for it to download. I geuss I'll see when it arrives if it was worth it, I'm sure it will be.
I dunno, bootlegs or not, you shouldn't pay some bitches for making money off of COB. Come on, who gives a shit if you're a fan downloading music for personal enjoyment, to pay some dickhead for ripping off good music. Fuck those guys. Even Alexi has said, he doesn't give a shit if you download the songs, but don't sell the shit online to make a personal profit off of the band.

I'd rather send money to COB for any songs that I've downloaded haha
Yea seriously... good point matt. Fuck whoever is gonna pay for the live in milwaukee bootleg. You might as well just spit right on the entire band.
got mine from shadeg as well, along with the new mokoma. so what if i paid a few euro too much on the shipping for a couple cds.