last night i was listening to exposure, the less-than-ubiquitous bonus track from projector. for those of you who have seen my rendition of the lyrics (check , the best unofficial dt site courtesy of gtranquillity), you might have noticed that the middle part, with all the "... he said, ... he wore" is kind of obscure and some of the lines i inven... err... i mean, some of the lines i reconstructed after consulting with several bandmembers
are dubious at best.
well it just happens that i've been struck by a sudden realization around 3am: at the very end of the said/wore bridge, just before "and evil he wore", the line sung is not - as i erroneously indicated in my first version - "love, he said".
it's "lol, he said". listen to it closely. lol, he said. and evil he wore. after all we know most members of the band spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen. i bet a tentative title for nether novas was nether n00bs.

well it just happens that i've been struck by a sudden realization around 3am: at the very end of the said/wore bridge, just before "and evil he wore", the line sung is not - as i erroneously indicated in my first version - "love, he said".
it's "lol, he said". listen to it closely. lol, he said. and evil he wore. after all we know most members of the band spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen. i bet a tentative title for nether novas was nether n00bs.