DARK TRANQUILLITY newsflash 2004-01-18


Sep 17, 2001
Terra firma
Hi forumdwellers,

just updated the official homepage with this:

Some good news for those of you having problems getting hold of our earlier releases:

Both "The gallery" (1995) and "The mind's I" (1997) will be re-released in special remastered deluxe editions, featuring brand new booklet layouts as well as a massive dose of hard-to-find bonus material.

During the years, we've been all too aware of the lack of availability of our earlier material in the US, and we've heard from a lot of people about how hard and frustrating it is to have to track down expensive import versions of the older albums in order to get the D.T. collections complete.

We got so much positive response from old and new fans when Century media licenced the "Skydancer" (1993) album for the US territory a couple of years ago, so it feels great to finally have "The gallery" and "The mind's I" enjoying proper stateside distribution as well. The European versions of the deluxe editions will be released by Osmose productions. More details regarding the exact contents of the CD's and their release dates will be posted in the near future.

....and from last week:

Time for some new-year activity on the site. As you probably have noticed, updates have been somewhat scarce recently, but rest assured that we're not resting on our laurels. The songwriting for the next album is commencing with full force, and in a not-too-distant future we'll begin recording our seventh full length album. More details regarding where, when and why will be posted here soon.

The DVD is now available in the US as well - finally! For a list of (worldwide) online vendors selling it, please visit Gtranquillity's site at www.dark-tranquillity.nl.

For an upcoming project, we'd like to hear from people with Dark tranquillity tattoos, so if you're one of the lucky few, please get in touch via info@darktranquillity.com.

The mini tour in Italy about a month ago was a huge success, and we'd like to thank all of you that made it such a great experience. Photos from some of the shows will be uploaded in the near future. Some of you will be interested to learn that we showcased a new song, "One thought", which brought home excellent response from the audience.

Other than this, there are a few promising things in the pipeline, but before anything is 100% confirmed, we can't go public with any details.

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Legende said:
Why weren't you drinking beers in Göteborg when I was there last christmas days??
because he was drinking wine with me i suppose, and mixing alcohol is bad for your health. now please let's move stalker's corner to another thread.
It's often bonus disc attached to a retail album, often what fills the empty space in a collector's box. It's full of older shit, live or rehearsal recordings or whatever song judged unsuitable for a full length album...etc... you know, when a band has songs, it has twice more "draft" audio materials. They take the best they have, and compile them. Of course it's copy protected. Or else the label wouldn't bother distributing those.

or do you mean by "copy-protected" if it has some protection encoding that keeps you from reading the CD with a data-CDplayer?
Legende said:
It's often bonus disc attached to a retail album, often what fills the empty space in a collector's box. It's full of older shit, live or rehearsal recordings or whatever song judged unsuitable for a full length album...etc... you know, when a band has songs, it has twice more "draft" audio materials. They take the best they have, and compile them. Of course it's copy protected. Or else the label wouldn't bother distributing those.

or do you mean by "copy-protected" if it has some protection encoding that keeps you from reading the CD with a data-CDplayer?
The latter. The first definition is 'copyrighted'.
Legende said:
It's often bonus disc attached to a retail album, often what fills the empty space in a collector's box. It's full of older shit, live or rehearsal recordings or whatever song judged unsuitable for a full length album...etc... you know, when a band has songs, it has twice more "draft" audio materials. They take the best they have, and compile them. Of course it's copy protected. Or else the label wouldn't bother distributing those.

or do you mean by "copy-protected" if it has some protection encoding that keeps you from reading the CD with a data-CDplayer?
I mean the latter, because Osmose has been known to do that. The "The Gallery" and "The Mind's I" discs that are being pressed now are "protected," which is a real pity. Glad I got my copies before they started with that silliness. I've heard unconfirmed reports that Osmose have stopped being fucknuts recently, but as I said, that's still unconfirmed.

Anyway, yeah, I know what bonus stuff means... :p I just wanted to know exactly what is on these new discs -- I have almost everything DT has ever released so I wanted to know if these would be worth buying for me.
"New" re-releases?
Time to break open my piggy bank.

*gets a hammer out*
Caotico said:
Time for some new-year activity on the site. As you probably have noticed, updates have been somewhat scarce recently, but rest assured that we're not resting on our laurels. The songwriting for the next album is commencing with full force, and in a not-too-distant future we'll begin recording our seventh full length album. More details regarding where, when and why will be posted here soon.

best news I've heard in a while! :worship:
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It kind of irritates me when band's re-release old albums with bonus material. Sure, it's great for the newer fans to be able to get their back-catalogue, but it also means that a lot of people, like me, who went out of their way to track down the original albums, and often paid import prices, will end up shelling out another $15 to get an album they already have. What they should do is re-release the old albums, but compile all of the bonus material and sell it as a seperate disc.
Well... you can't always satisfy everyone.
The Colonel said:
It kind of irritates me when band's re-release old albums with bonus material. Sure, it's great for the newer fans to be able to get their back-catalogue, but it also means that a lot of people, like me, who went out of their way to track down the original albums, and often paid import prices, will end up shelling out another $15 to get an album they already have. What they should do is re-release the old albums, but compile all of the bonus material and sell it as a seperate disc.

I agree with this, even though almost all bands seem to do it. I usually don't buy the re-released albums if I already have the originals, simply because I don't have that much money to spend (even if I would like to). But it's a nice thing for the fans that do want the extra songs and are willing to pay for them.

hehe, I like the idea of putting them all on one CD! ;)
Erik said:
Hum, what exactly is this "massive dose of hard-to-find bonus material", and will the discs be (ugh) copy-"protected?"
I could tell you, but I would have to kill you afterwards :err: