label albums... anyone able to clarify all this for me?


New Metal Member
May 29, 2004
right, i know some of the anthrax cds were pretty hard to get hold of, stomp 442 and volume 8 (and possibly white noise) but what exactly happened and what was rare and what was commonly available...

its just that i got a reissue of Stomp 442 today, and saw a new reissued version of white noise (i got one ages ago, has a skull printed on the actual jewel case, the new ones dont have the skull) and was wandering exactly what happened

if anyone could clear all this up for me i would greatly appreciate it

For SOWN the management in Elektra was still the same and the album was well promoted and therefore reached great sales.

Then Elektra got new management in and apparently the new management weren't interested in Anthrax's music at all and if they were the first managers they wouldn't have put Anthrax on the label in the first place. This left Anthrax with no label support because they weren't interested in promoting them at all. That meant no advertising, no money for tourng, no money for videos and no spreading the disease basically. Tons of people didn't know there was an album out. It sold a fifth of SOWN.

Anthrax got signed to Beyond records and that label appparently lost it's funding shorly after Inside Out had done well in the charts. The same problems insued.

I don't know how they released Attack of the Killer A's though. Fuck knows, I don't have it.

They felt like shit and went label shopping for their next record to be:We've come for you all. They signed to Artist direct for a short while until Artist Direct honestly said that they wouldn't be able to release Anthrax's new record in a long time. Anthrax left that deal and found sanctuary with Sanctuary for the US. Nuclear Blast for Europe and JVC for Japan.
So far Sanctuary are not liked just because it's not selling well in the US, but who knows what that could be. I dont know if that's Sanctuary's fault or whatever. Nuclear Blast have done a good job apparently and the album is well recognized in Europe coupled with good sales. Charlie seems to be happy with JVC. ;)
Some of what I've just wrote is probably a bit wrong but the other members will help us out. ;)
There you go!!
so the origonal VOL 8, and Stomp 442 (any ones ive missed, these are the ones ive seen rereleased) were both released in times of label trouble, so didnt get sold widely

SOWN was released fine and sold well (whats up with my skulled version? was this some limited version, or the standard origonal style one?)

so the new label are rereleasing Stomp and vol 8 properly, and SOWN just cause (for anyone who missed it before)

so the new label are rereleasing Stomp and vol 8 properly, and SOWN just cause (for anyone who missed it before)
I think so. Maybe the new SOWN has extras. I don't know, I'm from South Africa and everything here is way behind. HAHA. But we're catchin' up!
sown, stomp and vol 8 all have videos and i think some extra tracks

one thing that has confused me further is the discography on the anthrax site, it has them down as remastered and rereleased as of 2001, and the full tracklist for these versions. just the version of stomp i got todayis missing the extra songs, but has videos. and its dated 2003 too...

as for the skull print thing on my version of sown, i think it must be some limited version or something, i cant be sure where it was bought or anything though as it was a friend that got it for me. its dated 1993, and i think he got it in a pretty remote place, so it may have been sitting there since the origonal release...

After leaving Elektra, Anthrax signed to Ignition Records. They put out Volume 8, and then Ignition lost its funding from Tommy Boy, who is owned by Warner, who owns (or owned) Elektra. After Ignition faded away, Volume 8 was no longer available.

After Ignition, they signed to Beyond to put out Return of the Killer A's CD and crappy DVD. Beyond, in partnership with Anthrax who owns the rights, also released remastered versions of Stomp 442 and Sound of White Noise, both with bonus tracks. Beyond Records disappeared and now everything of Anthrax they released is no longer available.

Anthrax signed to ArtistDirect in the US to release WCFYA, but that did not work. They signed to Sanctuary Records in the US. Nuclear Blast released it in Europe. Sanctuary also rereleased Volume 8 in September of last year.

Now if someone would remaster Spreading the Disease, that would be greaaaaaat.
Riehlthing said:
remaster all the old albums. Persistence would rule.
Remaster all of Spreading, cept one song, some song about a Gunslinger...

Stirring up the hornets nest! hehe

If they're gonna remaster P.O.T., they might as well do it right, and have Bush redo the vocals so it could be the most kick-ass Anthrax album ever.
this could stir it up more...
I sympathize with the people who want them to re-record POT with Bush, but Bush is right on this issue. All the old albums) are already classics (well, maybe not SoE). They don't need to redo them all. MMA was just a sampling of stuff the fans wanted to hear.

I don't want Iron Maiden to go back and re-record Killers with Bruce Dickinson even though Killers is my favorite Iron Maiden album and Bruce is my favorite Maiden vocalist.

Besides, what do you want? POT re-recorded or a NEW STUDIO ALBUM? They can only do one thing at a time.
Remaster. Like Sound of White Noise was. Didn't mean record new. We're already getting some of those songs. When I make an mp3 cd for my car, of the cds I own, a song from Among The Living next to Inside Out doesn't sound right. The sound quality isn't as good. Because I have a remastered Inside Out.
It's like what Megadeth is doing. Remastering the old albums like they did with KIMB.
I think this MMA thing they're doing is cool enough. Especially for overseas fans who haven't had a chance to see or hear old Thrax with Bush singing.
But one thing, is the sound quality on the original Stomp very different from the sound on the remastered?? My original was stolen and I'm thinking about buying the Remastered.
I would love to hear a Re-produced version of Spreading the Disease.
I think there are some great songs on there, that didn't get the credit they're due, becaus of the crappy produciton.
i really think that after the mma stuff comes out that anthrax should take a year off i focus on whats in front of them,i think they have another 3 albums in them + the boxset,i dont want more greatest hits or live i just want them to step up a level from wcfya.

the only reason i supported mma was becasue i didnt know there was gonna be a boxset,mma and then another boxset exploring the old days is not what they need to be doing,its overkill.

concentrate on writing new material once they have a break and leave the boxset after the next album to break things up a bit!
dutchy said:
and yes the skull print is a limited edition!!

cool, shall take care not to damage the case then (unless i accidentally have already...hope not)
