Lack of excitement in metal...

Jul 14, 2008
Decatur, IL
Anyone else noticed we're on a dry spell of anything really interesting in metal lately? Most of the stuff we talk about is old bands. No new bands really kickin ass. Fuck, even Cryptopsy sucks now. For awhile lots of cool stuff happened. New Grave, new Megadeth, new Obituary. Black metal, save for the older stuff, has run itself to death. Tech death is all the same (except for a few. Origin being one.) I've not run across anything new and exciting to listen to in some time...
You don't know where to look or are gay for disliking awesome styles of metal that are very productive right now.
Even if all of Metal were dead currently, there are thousands of albums from the past three decades to enjoy that you haven't heard yet.
Agreed, you're not looking anywhere tbh. Just look through some threads here and you'll find your theory false.
Anyone else noticed we're on a dry spell of anything really interesting in metal lately? Most of the stuff we talk about is old bands. No new bands really kickin ass. Fuck, even Cryptopsy sucks now. For awhile lots of cool stuff happened. New Grave, new Megadeth, new Obituary. Black metal, save for the older stuff, has run itself to death. Tech death is all the same (except for a few. Origin being one.) I've not run across anything new and exciting to listen to in some time...

You're fucking stupid.
If you only go by popular bands, as you seem to be doing, then EVERY era will seem boring. Underground is where all the quality is.
They are a ton of great records from the past but if you are trying to find new cutting edge bands than you might have some trouble.
Well, I mean new genres and shit. The post-metal scene is lame now and boring, and that was the last "new genre" thing that I can think of. I can name countless cutting edge BM bands but I do no think that is what he means.
I doubt he's talking about entirely new genres of music, and there's nothing in his post that indicates any meaning other than a perceived lack of quality to be found in metal nowadays.
there is a fuck ton of good doom coming out that I keep finding so idgaf about 'the state of metal' as a whole because all that stuff redeems it