LAETHORA Completes Recording Second Album -

Make that April instead. :P

A press release with a new song will hopefully be made later this week.

In the meantime, a sneak preview of the album cover can be found at the new MySpace site here:

Ah hahahaha :p .

Oh well no problem, me just wait.

By the by, that cover is simply, really, excellent. I love it!!! And there I was complaining of your recent style hahahaha. Any sneak previews of DT's? Will it be more like this one, or like the DVD?

Thanks for posting!
I cant believe the sales of the first one were that bad. :( I bought it (and a T-shirt directly from Niklas) and Im definitely going to buy the new one.

Really? Where did you read that? Still, it doesn't surprise me, at least here in C.R. many people know D.T., but they have no clue of what Laethora is. 'Laethora? What's that, like humus?' (:p).

So the new cd is about disintegrating vampires. Cool.

Haha :lol: .
Well, I can upload a preview of the artwork here when it's finished. After all, if all four people in this thread will buy the album, it's a sales improvement of 200% from the first one, so obviously we want you on our side. :lol:

Ha! This suprises me some what. I got the t-shirt bundle deal. Look how sexy I look in it:


Anyway, first album has stood the test of time really well so far... in so far as I still dip into it and each time I say "fuck, don't remember it being this ace". Industrially blackened post metal ftw!!!
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Yep, things are finally moving forward, and the album can now be pre-ordered here:

Just as last time, there's a special CD/shirt bundle, with the shirt design being exclusive to this package.

Another new track, "A.S.K.E.", is streaming at our MySpace page:

So: Get your support-the-band hats on and book your copies now. :)
